Federal Institute for Population Research

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Babyschuhe auf Babybett (refer to: Just fertility postponement or permanent fertility decline?) | Source: © luchschenF/stock.adobe.com

Fertility trends in OECD countriesJust fertility postponement or permanent fertility decline?

Experts discussed the causes of falling birth rates at the OECD webinar on 20 June 2024. BiB Director Prof. Dr. C. Katharina Spieß and BiB Research Director Prof. Dr. Martin Bujard were also present.

Focus themes and articles

Press release Proportion of women seeking protection in Germany is increasing - taking their specific needs into account is crucial

The proportion of women among those fleeing to Germany has increased significantly in recent years. While around 36 per cent of those seeking protection in Germany were female in 2016, their share had risen to around 45 per cent by the end of 2023, according to the Central Register of Foreigners. more : Proportion of women seeking protection in Germany is increasing - taking their specific needs into account is crucial …

High Level Experts Online Conference Why demographic research is essential

To what extent can politicians influence demographic developments and what information do they need to do so? These questions were discussed by high-ranking international and national experts, including BiB Director Prof. Dr. C. Katharina Spieß. more : Why demographic research is essential …

Global migration flows (2015-2020) (refer to: Global migration flows)
Global migration flows (2015-2020) (refer to: Global migration flows)
Journal “Comparative Population Studies” (refer to: Comparative Population Studies)
Journal “Comparative Population Studies” (refer to: Comparative Population Studies)
BiB Population Research Series (refer to: BiB Population Research Series)
BiB Population Research Series (refer to: BiB Population Research Series)


Tetzlaff, Fabian; Sauerberg, Markus; Grigoriev, Pavel; Tetzlaff, Julian; Mühlichen, Michael; Baumert, Jens; Michalski, Niels; Wengler, Annelena; Nowossadeck, Enno; Hoebel, Jens (2024): 

Age-specific and cause-specific mortality contributions to the socioeconomic gap in life expectancy in Germany, 2003–21: an ecological study.

The Lancet Public Health 9(5): 295–305.

Sauerberg, Markus; Luy, Marc (2024): 

Standardized mean age at death (MADstd): Exploring its potential as a measure of human longevity.

Demographic Research 50(30): 871–898.

Hank, Karsten; Gummer, Tobias; Bujard, Martin; Neyer, Franz; Pollak, Reinhard; Spieß, C. Katharina; Wolf, Christof; Christmann, Pablo; Kunz, Tanja; Lück, Detlev; Naderi, Robert; Nutz, Theresa; Schmid, Lisa; Thönnissen, Carolin (2024): 

A new data infrastructure for family research and demographic analysis: The German Family Demography Panel Study (FReDA).

European Sociology Review 40: 1–13.

Ziege, Elena (2024): 

Passport to Progress: The Effects of Birthright Citizenship on Siblings’ Education.

BiB Working Paper 7/2024. Wiesbaden: Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung.

Grigoriev, Pavel; Bonnet, Florian; Perdrix, Elsa (2024): 

Method for redistributing ill-defined causes of death.

Population Studies: 1–11.

Surveys and Data of the BiB

German Emigration and Remigration Panel Study (GERPS)

In at least four survey waves, the study examines the individual consequences of international mobility for German nationals. The first survey was conducted from November 2018 to February 2019.

Transitions and Old Age Potential (TOP)

Two waves were conducted in 2013 and 2016. A third wave was conducted in 2019. This survey focuses on retirement transitions and the potential of older adults on the labour market, in civil society and in the family.

Familienleitbilder (FLB) – Concepts of Family in Germany

This survey was conducted in two waves: 2012 and 2016. The questionnaire focuses on the issues of relationship, family, children, parenthood and personal life circumstances.

Job Mobilities and Family Lives in Europe

The survey is an international comparative research project which focuses on the prevalence, the causes and the consequences of job-related spatial mobility in Europe.

Generations and Gender Survey (GGS)

The Generations and Gender Survey collects data on family demographics, including relationships between parents and children (Generations) and relationships between women and men in partnerships (Gender). The new GGS-II data collection round has been running since 2020.

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