Research Area: Ageing, Mortality and Population Dynamics
Research Director: Dr. Sebastian Klüsener
Demographic developments in Germany are resulting in considerable changes in the population structure. Increasing longevity and population ageing as well as the regional differences between areas that are still growing and those that are already shrinking affect all aspects of policy and will continue to be major challenges for industry and society in future decades. This development is reinforced by the cohorts with a high birth rate, the so-called ‘baby boomers’, who are increasingly entering retirement age. Four research groups analyse these changes and developments for society and individuals.
Mission Statement
The ageing of the population has a strong impact on society. This is due to improved public health and increasing life expectancy. In addition, further population dynamics in Germany and the world pose a challenge, but also open up opportunities. We address these processes and the accompanying social and spatial disparities. Among other things, we examine the potential of older people, the reduction of avoidable mortality and regional population dynamics.
Current Research Projects
Research Group: Individual and Societal Ageing
The research group deals with challenges in the context of an ageing population. In the OPAL project, it investigates retirement transitions and the potential of older people, particularly baby boomers. The REVEAL project analyses how "successful aging" can be achieved despite vulnerability and how resilience can be promoted.
Recent Projects of the Research Group
Research Group: Mortality
The research group examines regional and social disparities in mortality in Germany and Europe. It also addresses the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Recent Projects of the Research Group
The focus is on the creation of a regional mortality database for Germany. In addition to scientific publications, the data will be used to inform the general public about current mortality trends. more: Mortality Trends in Germany …
Research Group: Mortality-Follow-Up of the German National Cohort
The research group supplements the mortality research being done at the Federal Institute for Population Research with epidemiological and biomedical aspects. It analyses the course and the causes of mortality development and anticipates new findings to help prevent premature deaths in future.
Recent Projects of the Research Group
Research Group: Global and Regional Population Dynamics
The research group investigates the causes and effects of demographic population dynamics in Germany, Europe and worldwide, as well as their correlations with social, economic and other developments – at both the individual and societal levels. This provides policy-relevant insights into future development scenarios and the resulting challenges and opportunities.
Recent Projects of the Research Group
Various subprojects deal with population dynamics and spatial disparities. A subproject in cooperation with the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) and the High Performance Computing Centre Stuttgart (HLRS) aims to better understand small-scale population dynamics. more: Population Dynamics and Spatial Disparities …
Completed Projects
Selected former Projects
The DIALOG project is based on the Population Policy Acceptance Study (PPAS), a comparative survey of attitudes and opinions concerning demographic changes, demographic behaviours and population related policies in European countries. more: DIALOG …