Federal Institute for Population Research

BiB.Working Paper

BiB.Working Paper make results and findings available to the scientific public as soon as possible. The series contains articles from the Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB) and papers which have been issued in cooperation with other research institutes as well as external researchers.

The series is subject to a limited internal review process. Thus, the contents do not necessarily represent the position of the BiB, but rather the opinions of the authors. The working papers are written in English or German and are published only electronically at irregular intervals.

Published by: Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB)
Editor depending on topic: Prof. Dr. Martin Bujard, Dr. Sebastian Klüsener, Prof. Dr. Katharina Spieß
ISSN: 2196-9574

Latest Issues

Search results 1 to 10 from a total of 57

1/2025Did you serve? New evidence on the causal effect of conscription on wage in Germany

Daelen, Anna L. M.

Using German administrative data, I identify the causal effect of conscription on men’s early career wage. more: Did you serve? New evidence on the causal effect of conscription on wage in Germany …

Cover BiB.Working Paper 1/2025 "Did you serve? New evidence on the causal effect of conscription on wage in Germany" (refer to: Did you serve? New evidence on the causal effect of conscription on wage in Germany)

12/2024Baby bumps and abortion drop:unpacking fertility trends during COVID-19 in Germany

Bujard, Martin; Huebener, Mathias

Our study draws a nuanced picture of how the COVID-19 health crisis affected reproductive health outcomes. more: Baby bumps and abortion drop:unpacking fertility trends during COVID-19 in Germany …

Cover Working Paper 12/2024 "Baby bumps and abortion drop: Unpacking fertility trends during COVID-19 in Germany" (refer to: Baby bumps and abortion drop:unpacking fertility trends during COVID-19 in Germany)

11/2024Caring dads? Universal childcare paternity leave and fathers involvement

Huebener, Mathias; Mahlbacher, Malin K.; Schmitz, Sophia

This paper examines the impact of the combined availability of universal childcare and paternity leave on fathers’ involvement during the early years of childhood. more: Caring dads? Universal childcare paternity leave and fathers involvement …

Cover Working Paper 11/2024 "Caring-dads-Universal-childcare-paternity-leave-and-fathers-involvement" (refer to: Caring dads? Universal childcare paternity leave and fathers involvement)

10/2024The rollercoaster of subjective wellbeing in times of multiple crises: Evidence of five waves of bi-annual Panel data of FReDA survey

Kriechel, Lisa; Bujard, Martin; Hudde, Ansgar

Based on the first five waves of the bi-annual (and once tri-annual) large-scale panel FReDA, we show the trend of life satisfaction over 16 time points between April 2021 and January 2023. In addition, we conduct fixed effects and random effects for five subwaves. Results reveal a mostly increasing level of life satisfaction, with setbacks during times of COVID-19 and the Ukraine war. more: The rollercoaster of subjective wellbeing in times of multiple crises: Evidence of five waves of bi-annual Panel data of FReDA survey …

Cover Working Paper 10/2024: The rollercoaster of subjective well-being in times of multiple crises: Evidence of five waves of bi-annual panel data of FReDA survey" (refer to: The rollercoaster of subjective wellbeing in times of multiple crises: Evidence of five waves of bi-annual Panel data of FReDA survey)

9/2024Stratified adaptation? Education and fertility patterns of the descendants of immigrants in Germany

Krapf, Sandra; Milewski, Nadja; Bujard, Martin

This study investigates how educational differences are associated with the fertility of the descendants of immigrants. more: Stratified adaptation? Education and fertility patterns of the descendants of immigrants in Germany …

Cover Working Paper 9/2024 "Stratified adaptation? Education and fertility patterns of the descendants of immigrants in Germany" (refer to: Stratified adaptation? Education and fertility patterns of the descendants of immigrants in Germany)

8/2024Unlocking potential: Childcare services and refugees’ integration, employment and well-being

Gambaro, Ludovica; Huebener, Mathias; Schmitz, Sophia; Spiess, C. Katharina

Our findings emphasize the importance of providing childcare services to refugee mothers to facilitate their integration. more: Unlocking potential: Childcare services and refugees’ integration, employment and well-being …

Cover Working Paper 8/2024 "Unlocking potential: Childcare services and refugees’ integration, employment and well-being" (refer to: Unlocking potential: Childcare services and refugees’ integration, employment and well-being)

7/2024Passport to progress: The effects of birthright citizenship on siblings’ education

Ziege, Elena

To provide a more thorough account of the total benefits of citizenship, the study examines not only the direct effects on immigrant children but also spillover effects on their older siblings. more: Passport to progress: The effects of birthright citizenship on siblings’ education …

Cover Working Paper 7/2024 "Passport to progress: The effects of birthright citizenship on siblings’ education" (refer to: Passport to progress: The effects of birthright citizenship on siblings’ education)

6/2024Well-being throughout the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany: Gendered effects of daycare and school closures

Huebener, Mathias; Waights, Sevrin; Spiess, C. Katharina

We examine the evolution of parental well-being over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany and relate changes to the severity of restrictions on school and daycare facilities. more: Well-being throughout the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany: Gendered effects of daycare and school closures …

Cover Working Paper 6/2024 "Well-being throughout the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany: Gendered effects of daycare and school closures" (refer to: Well-being throughout the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany: Gendered effects of daycare and school closures)

5/2024Parental leave, worker substitutability, and firms’ employment

Huebener, Mathias; Jessen, Jonas; Kuehnle, Daniel; Oberfichtner, Michael

Based on linked employer-employee data from Germany, we examine how parental leave absences affect small- and medium-sized firms. more: Parental leave, worker substitutability, and firms’ employment …

Cover Working Paper 5/2024 "Parental leave, worker substitutability, and firms’ employment" (refer to: Parental leave, worker substitutability, and firms’ employment)

4/2024Labor market participation and informal family care among older adults in Germany: Role substitution, role expansion, role extension or dis-/nonengagement?

Mergenthaler, Andreas; Schneider, Norbert F.

This article examines the diversity of transitions between employment and family care among older adults in Germany using data from the “Transitions and Old Age Potential” (TOP) study. A typology based on role theory and disengagement approach is developed, categorizing transitions into four types main types of transitions—role substitution, role expansion, role extension, and dis-/nonengagement. Further analyses reveal various patterns and influences on these role transitions, including time commitment, labor market inequalities and personal preferences. The findings provide new insights into role transitions in later adulthood and their determinants in aging populations. more: Labor market participation and informal family care among older adults in Germany: Role substitution, role expansion, role extension or dis-/nonengagement? …

Cover "Labor market participation and informal family care among older adults in Germany: Role substitution, role expansion, role extension or dis-/nonengagement?" (refer to: Labor market participation and informal family care among older adults in Germany: Role substitution, role expansion, role extension or dis-/nonengagement?)

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