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Since October 2021, the Federal Institute for Population Research has been headed by Director Prof. Dr. C. Katharina Spieß, supported by a part-time director heading the Department for Population, Finance and Taxes at the Federal Statistical Office. The BiB is run in administrative cooperation with the Federal Statistical Office.
The BiB is divided into three research areas, a research group led by the director, the administration, and the communication department.
Prof. Dr. Martin Bujard
Deputy Director
Head of Research Area
Family and Fertility
Esther Dopheide
Head of Communication
Dr. Sebastian Klüsener
Head of Research Area
Ageing, Mortality and Population Dynamics
Silvia Ruppenthal
Head of Administration
Dr. Andreas Ette and PD Dr. Heiko Rüger
Provisional Management of Research Area
Migration and Mobility