Federal Institute for Population Research

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Krankenschwester hält älterem Patienten die Hand (refer to: Excess mortality during the corona pandemic: large regional differences in Europe) | Source: © Sandor Kacso / Adobe Stock

Press releaseExcess mortality during the corona pandemic: large regional differences in Europe

A new BiB-study allows a detailed spatial analysis of excess mortality over time for Europe for the first time.

Miscellaneous PublicationsSubjektives Wohlbefinden und demografische Ereignisse im Lebenslauf

Cihlar, Volker; Genoni, Andreas; Milewski, Nadja; Spiess, C. Katharina; Stawarz, Nico (2023)

WISTA 6/2023. Wiesbaden: Statistisches Bundesamt: 69–80

What role does subjective well-being play as an indicator to describe the quality of life of individuals and societal wealth? After a brief introduction to the topic, the article discusses the relationship between subjective well-being and demographic events and processes, like fertility behaviour, international migration and ageing, from an international perspective. In addition to its importance as an indicator of wealth, subjective well-being supports evidence-based policies aimed at ensuring societal wealth. This requires the representative and differentiated collection and analysis of indicators on subjective well-being.

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