Federal Institute for Population Research

Journal ArticlesGeflüchtete aus der Ukraine: Knapp die Hälfte beabsichtigt längerfristig in Deutschland zu bleiben

Brücker, Herbert; Ette, Andreas; Grabka, Markus; Kosyakova, Yuliya; Niehues, Wenke; Rother, Nina; Spieß, C. Katharina; Zinn, Sabine; Bujard, Martin; Décieux, Jean; Maddox, Amrei; Schmitz, Sophia; Schwanhäuser, Silvia; Siegert, Manuel; Steinhauer, Hans Walter (Eds.) (2023)

DIW Wochenbericht 28. Berlin: 381–393

DOI: 10.18723/diw_wb:2023-28-1

More than one million people have come to Germany alone since the war began. Based on the second survey wave of the study "Refugees from Ukraine in Germany (IAB-BiB/FReDA-BAMF-SOEP Survey)", it is evident that at the beginning of 2023 an increasing proportion of Ukrainian refugees intend to stay in Germany for the longer term. Around three quarters have found private accommodation, and a similarly large proportion have already attended German courses or are currently still doing so. 18 percent of the 18- to 64-year-olds are in gainful employment - of the others, more than two-thirds intend to do so immediately or within the next year. While almost all refugee children and young people of school age attend a general or vocational school in Germany, only six out of ten children between the ages of three and six are in a daycare center (KiTa). To strengthen participation in society and in view of the high proportion of mothers among refugees, childcare options in particular should be improved to facilitate, among other things, participation in integration and language courses and the path to employment. In addition, it is essential to quickly reach a decision on extending the right of residence, which is limited until March 2024, and thus create legal and planning certainty.