Federal Institute for Population Research

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Arbeitshelm vor Ukraineflagge (refer to: Protection seekers from Ukraine: making better use of potential for the German labour market) | Source: © BillionPhotos.com/stock.adobe.com

Press releaseProtection seekers from Ukraine: making better use of potential for the German labour market

New data from the Federal Institute for Population Research show a further increase in the employment rate among Ukrainian refugees. This has almost doubled from 16 per cent in summer 2022 to 30 per cent in spring 2024.

Peer-Reviewed Articles in Scientific JournalsThe demography of COVID-19 deaths database, a gateway to well-documented international data

Caporali, Arianna; Garcia, Jenny; Couppié, Étienne; Poniakina, Svitlana; Barbieri, Magali; Bonnet, Florian; Camarda, Carlo Giovanni; Cambois, Emmanuelle; Hourani, Iris; Korotkova, Daria; Meslé, France; Penina, Olga; Robine, Jean-Marie; Sauerberg, Markus; Torres, Catalina (2022)

Nature – Scientific Data 9(93): 1–9

DOI: 10.1038/s41597-022-01191-y

National authorities publish COVID-19 death counts, which are extensively re-circulated and compared; but data are generally poorly sourced and documented. Academics and stakeholders need tools to assess data quality and to track data-related discrepancies for comparability over time or across countries. “The Demography of COVID-19 Deaths” database aims at bridging this gap. It provides COVID-19 death counts along with associated documentation, which includes the exact data sources and points out issues of quality and coverage of the data. The database – launched in April 2020 and continuously updated – contains daily cumulative death counts attributable to COVID-19 broken down by sex and age, place and date of occurrence of the death. Data and metadata undergo quality control checks prior to online release. As of mid-December 2021, it covers 21 countries in Europe and beyond. It is open access at a bilingual (English and French) website with content intended for expert users and non-specialists (https://dc-covid.site.ined.fr/en/; figshare: https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.c.5807027). Data and metadata are available for each country separately and pooled over all countries.

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