Federal Institute for Population Research

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Krankenschwester hält älterem Patienten die Hand (refer to: Excess mortality during the corona pandemic: large regional differences in Europe) | Source: © Sandor Kacso / Adobe Stock

Press releaseExcess mortality during the corona pandemic: large regional differences in Europe

A new BiB-study allows a detailed spatial analysis of excess mortality over time for Europe for the first time.

Peer-Reviewed Articles in Scientific JournalsThe Early childhood education and care quality in the Socio-Economic Panel

SOEP-ECEC Quality Study

Spieß, C. Katharina; Schober, Pia S.; Stahl, Juliane F. (2020)

Journal of Economics and Statistics 240(1): 111–120

DOI: 10.1515/jbnst-2018-0001

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