Federal Institute for Population Research

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Mutter mit Baby (refer to: BiB Population Research Series) | Source: © tiagozr/stock.adobe.com

InvitationBiB Population Research Series

Why have birth rates fallen, and how will low fertility affect our shared future? The BiB invites you to the lecture series on September 25 from 11:00 to 12:15. Prof. Vegard Skirbekk presents his paper “Decline and Prosper”.

Miscellaneous Publications30 Years German Unity & Diversity

A Demographic and Cartographic Journey through Time

Sulak, Harun; Fiedler, Christian; Klüsener, Sebastian (2020)

Wiesbaden: Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung

Cover of “30 Years German Unity & Diversity”

URN: urn:nbn:de:bib-var-2020-080

When reunification was celebrated on the night of 2 to 3 October 1990, German unity had been formally sealed. Nevertheless, from a demographic point of view, Germany at that time initially consisted of two very different parts. Around three decades have now passed, and the question arises whether what belongs together has actually grown together demographically and cartographically. A new study of the Federal Institute for Population Research focusses on the demographic trends of the past 30 years questioning as to how the German population has changed since reunification and which regional differences have arisen ever since? In order to address these questions, regional comparisons on the level of cities and districts based on new cartographic data are shown for the years 1990 and 2018.

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