Federal Institute for Population Research

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Frau bei der Arbeit im Homeoffice am PC mit Fahrrad (refer to: Less commuting time by working from home?) | Source: © pressmaster/stock.adobe.com

InterviewLess commuting time by working from home?

A new study investigates how working from home affects commuting times to the workplace. In this interview, Dr. Heiko Rüger, BiB scientist and head of the study, presents the key findings.

BooksMigration and Refugee Policies in Germany. New European Limits of Control?

Ette, Andreas (2017)

Beiträge zur Bevölkerungswissenschaft 51. Opladen, Berlin, Toronto: Barbara Budrich

International migration is one of the most controversial political topics today which demands innovative approaches of global and regional governance. The book provides a fresh theoretical framework to understand European responses to the international migration of people and explains the dynamics of Germany’s migration and refugee policy during the last two decades. Against traditional theories and their inherent focus on the national political sphere, the book highlights supranational and multi-level political processes as increasingly important factors to account for national policy changes.

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