Federal Institute for Population Research

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Frau bei der Arbeit im Homeoffice am PC mit Fahrrad (refer to: Less commuting time by working from home?) | Source: © pressmaster/stock.adobe.com

InterviewLess commuting time by working from home?

A new study investigates how working from home affects commuting times to the workplace. In this interview, Dr. Heiko Rüger, BiB scientist and head of the study, presents the key findings.

Chapters in Edited BooksLeitbildforschung. Befunde, Potenziale und Impulse

Diabaté, Sabine, Ruckdeschel, Kerstin; Schneider, Norbert F. (2015)

In: Schneider, Norbert F.; Diabaté, Sabine; Ruckdeschel, Kerstin (Eds.): Familienleitbilder in Deutschland. Beiträge zur Bevölkerungswissenschaft 48. Opladen, Berlin, Toronto: Barbara Budrich: 269–286 [begutachtet]

This article explains and summarises the theoretical cornerstones and main results of the study. Furthermore, the potentials and limits of role model research are discussed, especially with regard to the scientific explanation of generative actions and the shaping of family life. Finally, impulses for the political debate are derived from the findings. The study has shown that family relationships, relationships and own children are highly valued by most 20- to 39-year-olds and that there is broad recognition for the diverse lifestyles in Germany. Four key statements can be deduced from the results: (1) Plurality: There are predominant but no uniform models for many aspects of family life in society. (2) Discrepancy: The respondents perceive more conservative models in society than those they (would like to) pursue personally. (3) Mismatch: Parental role models and everyday practice are often conflicting. (4) Responsible parenthood: The model of “responsible parenthood“ increases the opportunity costs for parenthood, encourages a rejection of the external childcare, and thereby favours the postponement or even the rejection of family formation. In summary, this guiding role model provides an unfavourable impulse for birth development in Germany.

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