Federal Institute for Population Research

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Babyschuhe auf Babybett (refer to: Just fertility postponement or permanent fertility decline?) | Source: © luchschenF/stock.adobe.com

Fertility trends in OECD countriesJust fertility postponement or permanent fertility decline?

Experts discussed the causes of falling birth rates at the OECD webinar on 20 June 2024. BiB Director Prof. Dr. C. Katharina Spieß and BiB Research Director Prof. Dr. Martin Bujard were also present.

Miscellaneous PublicationsInternational Mobil. Dokumentation der Befragung von Auswanderern und Rückwanderern aus Deutschland

Ette, Andreas; Sauer, Lenore; Scheller, Friedrich; Bekalarczyk, Dawid; Erlinghagen, Marcel; Engler, Marcus; Schneider, Jan; Schultz, Caroline (2015)

BiB Daten- und Methodenberichte 1/2015. Wiesbaden: Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung

Cover BiB Daten- und Methodenberichte 1/2015 „International Mobil. Dokumentation der Befragung von Auswanderern und Rückwanderern aus Deutschland“

URN: urn:nbn:de:bib-dmb-2015-015

The pilot study Internationally Mobile was conducted in 2014 by the Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB) in Wiesbaden, the Research Unit at the Expert Council of German Foundations on Integration and Migration (SVR) in Berlin and the University of Duisburg-Essen. For the first time, German emigrants and returnees were interviewed regarding their migration motives as well as their current and past living arrangements. The target population was selected on the basis of population registers from selected major cities in Germany. The random sample includes a total of 1,700 respondents, made up of 800 emigrants and 900 returnees. The technical report presents the design and implementation of the study on international mobility. Alongside the research design and the sampling method, the report documents the instrument and mode of data collection as well as the experiences in the field. Based on a comparison of the sampling frame with official statistics, the technical report presents analyses on data quality and the principal feasibility of the research design.

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