Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung

Artikel in ZeitschriftenLong-Term Survival for Competing Risk Data with Masked Causes

Westerman, R. (2012)

JSM Proceedings, Biometric Sections, Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association : 232–238

Competing Risks Models have a various field of application in medical and public health studies. A challenging clue for applying cause-specific survival models yield on the prob-lem of missing and misclassification in cause of death.
The masked cause of death is related to incomplete or only partial identifiable informa-tion of death certificates. Different Bayesian approaches e.g. the mixture cure model are proposed to account for that problem. Another question is related to adequate estimates for long-term survival in respect to the limitation of lifetime among all risks. As a new parametric distribution the long-term exponential distribution (LEG) introduced by Ro-man et al. 2012 can be considered. The main purpose of this work is to compare the LEG with alternative parametric versions like Weibull distribution, or the simple Exponential distribution for long-term survival estimates. Data analysis will be realized with Cancer Register Data (SEER) and R Statistical Software. As on remarkable conclusion one would expect the best fitting of the LEG for the long-term survival regarding to Weibull and Exponential distribution.

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