Beiträge in SammelbändenGender and Fertility. Attitudes towards Gender Roles and Fertility Behaviour
Ruckdeschel, Kerstin (2008)
In: Höhn, Charlotte; Avramov, Dragana; Kotowska, Irena E. (Hrsg.): People, Population Change and Policies. Lessons from the Population Policy Acceptance Study Vol. 2: Demographic Knowledge – Gender – Ageing. European Studies of Population 16/2. Dordrecht: Springer: 175–192
Two hypotheses are tested in this contribution: (1) The existence of preference types related to the value-of-children and the emancipation dimension, showing a similar profile in a cross-national comparison. It was possible to confirm this hypothesis. We found a home-centred preference type with high fertility intentions and a work-centred type with lower intentions. (2) The relation between structural opportunities provided by family and gender policy, and the gap between intended and achieved fertility. It was also possible to prove this hypothesis at least partly. Finally a positive impact of child oriented preferences on closing the gap between intended and achieved fertility dominating structural opportunities was found.