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Ette, Andreas; Micheel, Frank (2005)
Zeitschrift für Bevölkerungswissenschaft 30(4): 501–532
Both, future decline and ageing of the population in Germany are phenomena, which attracted widespread public and academic interest. Its potential consequences for society and politics are insufficiently analysed. The article provides an overview of the effects of demographic developments on the federal public administration in Germany and identifies relevant research deficits. Impacts are analysed in four separate dimensions: (1) Relationships between citizens and the federal public administration; (2) consequences for aging and the qualification structure of employees in the public administration, (3) knowledge transfer and motivation of the aging workforce, and (4) financial resources of the public administration. Concerning the relationship between the public administration and its citizens we expect only little variations caused by demographic ageing and the consequences on public finances are already a far developed research area. Instead, personnel management and knowledge transfer in the public administration constitute both issues which received only little attention by practitioners and academics in the field. The paper analyses the potential impacts in all four dimensions and provides central recommendations to adequately respond to the identified challenges.