Federal Institute for Population Research

Annual Meeting • 31.05.2023REDIM at REVES 2023 in Padua, Italy

Two researchers of our team presented their latest research findings at the 34th REVES meeting, which took place in Padua, Italy, from 24–26 May 2023.

Dr. Markus Sauerberg presenting his poster on regional variation in life expectancy gains across 16 European countries Markus Sauerberg Dr. Markus Sauerberg

REVES is an international research network that promotes the use of health expectancy as a population health indicator. As disability-free life expectancy was the first – and remains a major measure useful for cross-national comparisons of the health status of populations – REVES members are also involved in the definition, measurement and comparison of disability globally.

Markus Sauerberg presented his research on regional differences in life expectancy gains across 16 European countries between 1995 and 2019 (in collaboration with Pavel Grigoriev from our team as well as Florian Bonnet and Carlo Giovanni Camarda from INED) in the first poster session on Wednesday, May 24th:

  • Markus Sauerberg; Florian Bonnet; Carlo Giovanni Camarda; Pavel Grigoriev:
    Spatial Disparities in Life Expectancy Gains across 16 European Countries, 1995–2019

Dr. Michael Mühlichen presenting his poster on regional variation in avoidable mortality across Central Europe Michael Mühlichen Dr. Michael Mühlichen

Michael Mühlichen presented his findings on spatial variation of amenable and preventable mortality in Austria, Czechia, Germany, Italy and Switzerland and its development from 1992 to 2019 (in collaboration with Mathias Lerch from EPFL as well as Markus Sauerberg and Pavel Grigoriev from our team) in the third poster session on Friday, May 26th:

  • Michael Mühlichen; Markus Sauerberg; Mathias Lerch; Pavel Grigoriev:
    Different Health Systems – Different Mortality Outcomes? The Impact of Avoidable Mortality on Regional Mortality Disparities across European Countries, 1992–2019

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