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Collecting and harmonising a large amount of cause-specific mortality data is essential for the successful implementation of the project. Data availability varies greatly from country to country. Our intention is to gather as detailed as possible information on causes of death and obtain data for the longest possible time periods. We aim at collecting official annual data on death counts by sex, age, cause and region (NUTS-2, NUTS-3 and LAU) and the corresponding population exposures since 1990 onwards.
In order to make cause-specific mortality comparable across time and space, we have to deal with several methodological issues, such as bridging different ICD classifications, redistributing ill-defined causes and dealing with statistical discontinuities in mortality trends due to coding practices.
Here is an overview of the data we have collected so far from national national data sources:
Country | Data provider | Period | Spatial units | Type |
Austria | Statistics Austria | 1970–2016 2017–2022 | 117 Bezirke 116 Bezirke | Individual |
Belarus | National Statistical Committee | 1997–2019 2003–2019 | 7 oblasts 118 rayons | Aggregated |
Belgium | Belgian Statistical Office (Statbel) | 2000–2021 | 44 arrondissements | Aggregated |
Czechia | Czech Statistical Office | 1990–2021 | 77 okresy | Aggregated |
Denmark | Statistics Denmark | 1994–2019 | 11 landsdele | Aggregated |
Estonia | National Institute for Health Development | 2000–2019 | 15 maakonnad | Death rates |
Finland | Statistics Finland | 1987–2023 | 8 regions | Aggregated |
France | National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm) | 1979–2022 | 96 départements | Aggregated |
Germany | Federal and State Statistical Offices | 1992–2023 1992–2023 | 96 ROR 400 Kreise | Individual |
Hungary | Hungarian Central Statistical Office | 1991-2019 | 20 megyék | Death rates |
Italy | Italian National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT) | 1990–2022 | 92 regions | Aggregated |
Latvia | Centre for Disease Prevention and Control | 2008–2021 | 12 regions | Aggregated |
Liechtenstein | Office of Statistics | 2011–2020 | 1 | Aggregated |
Lithuania | Institute of Hygiene | 2001–2009 2010–2020 | 60 savivaldybės | Aggregated |
Luxembourg | Ministry of Health | 1999–2019 | 1 | Aggregated |
Moldova | National Bureau of Statistics | 1991–2020 | 35 raioane | Aggregated |
Netherlands | Statistics Netherlands | 1990–2021 | 12 provincies | Aggregated |
Poland | Statistics Poland | 2002–2020 | 379 powiaty | Aggregated |
Portugal | National Institute of Statistics | 1991–2022 | 25 sub-regiões | Aggregated |
Romania | National Institute of Statistics | 1996–2020 | 42 județe | Aggregated |
Russia | Federal State Statistics Service | 2000–2020 | 2246 rayons | Aggregated |
Slovakia | Slovakian Statistical Office | 1993–2020 | 79 okresy | Aggregated |
Spain | National Statistics Institute | 1990–2023 | 52 regions | Aggregated |
Sweden | Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare | 1987–2022 | 21 län | Aggregated |
Switzerland | Federal Statistical Office | 1990–2020 1990–2020 | 7 GR 26 Kantone | Aggregated |
Ukraine | State Statistics Service of Ukraine | 2005–2019 2005–2019 | 23 oblasts 583 rayons | Aggregated |