Federal Institute for Population Research

Contextual Variables

We are assembling a targeted collection of indicators reflecting various aspects of socio-economic and cultural differences between and within the countries under study. This collection considers data availability and comparability at the sub-national level. The set of variables includes essential indicators related to various demographic, social, economic, structural and environmental aspects.

This is our current overview of contextual indicators:

TopicVariablesSourceCoverage1st yearSpatial units
DemographicsFertilityEurostatEU, EFTA*1990NUTS-2
Median ageEurostatEU, EFTA*1990NUTS-3
Natural population changeEurostatEU, EFTA*2000NUTS-3
Net migrationEurostatEU, EFTA*2000NUTS-3
Population densityEurostatEU, EFTA*1990NUTS-3
Sex ratioEurostatEU, EFTA*1990NUTS-2
Dependency ratiosARDECOEU, EFTA*1990NUTS-3
Foreign populationARDECOEU, EFTA*1999NUTS-2
Socio-economicsCompensation of employeesEurostatEU, EFTA*1995NUTS-2
Employment and unemploymentEurostatEU, EFTA*1999NUTS-2
Gross domestic productEurostatEU, EFTA*2000NUTS-3
Gross value addedEurostatEU, EFTA*1995NUTS-3
Household incomeEurostatEU, EFTA*1995NUTS-2
Early leavers from educationARDECOEU, EFTA*2000NUTS-3
Severe material deprivationARDECOEU, EFTA*2004NUTS-2
Share of employmentARDECOEU, EFTA*1999NUTS-3
Tertiary educational attainmentARDECOEU, EFTA*2000NUTS-2
Health infra-structureHealth personnelEurostatEU, EFTA*1993NUTS-2
Hospital bedsEurostatEU, EFTA*1993NUTS-2
Hospital discharges by diagnosisEurostatEU, EFTA*2000NUTS-2
Physician densityEurostatEU, EFTA*2008NUTS-2
EnvironmentMunicipal wasteOECDEU, EFTA1990NUTS-3
Net ecosystem productivityOECDEU, EFTA1990NUTS-3
Pollution and emissionsOECDEU, EFTA1990NUTS-3
Vegetation coverage shareOECDEU, EFTA1990NUTS-3
Daily weatherECA&DEurope**1990Places**

Note: For former Soviet Union countries, we collect data from national sources.
* Partly including data from (potential) candidates for EU membership
** Data from 24,853 European weather stations, of which not all are available from 1990

Additionally, we consider a range of available health indicators such as participation in health screening programs, implementation of anti-tobacco or anti-alcohol measures and efforts to limit traffic accidents.

A substantial amount of contextual information on regional characteristics can be obtained via existing international databases (EUROSTAT, ARDECO, OECD etc.) or national databases and – for health policy indicators – via the systematic descriptions produced by the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies.

Here is a (preliminary) overview of the relevant databases:

Regional contextDatabase
WorldwideOECD Database
Databases for European countries and regionsEurostat
European Health for All Database
European Observatory of Health Systems and Policies
European Regional Database (ARDECO)
European Regional Yearbook
European Social Survey
Regional data examples for the eurostat R package
COVID-19 measures taken by national statistical institutes
NUTS classifications
National databasesFrench Human Mortality Database
German Federal Health Monitoring (GBE-Bund)
German statistical database (GENESIS)
German regional statistical database
German INKAR database on indicators of spatial development

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