Federal Institute for Population Research

Programme “Frontiers in Policy Relevant Population Research”

The international conference took place from 3 to 5 July 2023 in Wiesbaden. It was organised around three strands that reflect key themes in population research.

50th Anniversary of the Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB)

Day 1: Monday, July 3


Strand 1

3 Years of FReDA: Families and Partnerships in Germany and Europe

Strand 2

Internal Mobility and International Migration Across the Life Course

Strand 3

Mortality Trends and Future Prospects for Longevity in Times of Great Uncertainty

09:45MuseumGood Morning Coffee and Registration
10:30MuseumWords of Welcome: C. Katharina Spieß (BiB) and Organisation Committee
10:45MuseumWorld Café – Policy Relevance of Research
12:00MuseumLunch Break

Federal Statistical Office

Parallel Sessions I

Arrangements of paid work and care work

Chair: Robert Naderi (BiB)

Internal migration and commuting

Chair: Nikola Sander (BiB)

Measuring excess mortality in times of pandemics

Chair: Sebastian Klüsener (BiB)

Short-time work, unemployment and parental leave: Gendered differences in (unpaid) labour-market outcomes

Clara Schäper (DIW, BSE, University of Potsdam), Katharina Wrohlich and Sabine Zinn (DIW)

Commuting, gender and children

Malte Borghorst (University of Duisburg-Essen), Ismir Mulalic (Copenhagen Business School), Jos van Ommeren (Free University of Amsterdam)

East-West mortality divide during the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe: Methodological considerations, empirical results and possible explanations

Vladimir M. Shkolnikov (MPIDR), Sergey Timonin (ANU), Dmitry Jdanov (MPIDR), Nazrul Islam and David A. Leon (LSHTM)

Employment patterns during early motherhood in West Germany, East Germany and Hungary

Lili Vargha (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin), Antonino Polizzi (Nuffield College, University of Oxford & MPIDR), Anette Eva Fasang (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin)

The untold story of internal migration in Germany: Patterns, developments, and the role of education

Sebastian Vogler, Anton Barabasch and Kamila Cygan-Rehm

(all LIfBi), Guido Heineck (University of Bamberg)

Empirical prediction intervals applied to short-term mortality forecasts and excess deaths

Jonas Schöley and Ricarda Duerst (MPIDR)

Day-care quality and child personality matter: Experimental evidence on influence on norms of day-care use and parental working hours

Pia Schober, Viktoria Werner, Marie-Fleur Philipp and Silke Büchau (University of Tübingen), C. Katharina Spieß (BiB & Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)

Access to universities and migration decisions of young adults

Philipp Markus (University of Duisburg-Essen)

Spatial variation in excess mortality in Europe: A cross-sectional study of 561 regions in 21 countries

Florian Bonnet (INED), Pavel Grigoriev, Markus Sauerberg, Ina Alliger and Michael Mühlichen (BiB), Carlo-Giovanni Camarda (INED)

Working from home and work-family interface: Importance of role salience

Deniz Yucel (William Paterson University of New Jersey), Inga Laß (BiB)

Contributions of causes of death to mortality differentials between movers and stayers in the Netherlands

Maximilian Frentz-Göllnitz and Adrien Remund (University of Groningen), Lenny Stoeldraijer (CBS), Janine van der Toorn (EMC), Gabriele Doblhammer (University of Rostock), Fanny Janssen (NIDI)

14:45Federal Statistical OfficeCoffee Break


Federal Statistical Office

Parallel Sessions II

Fertility and family planning

Chair: Jasmin Passet-Wittig (BiB)

Causes and consequences of migration

Chair: Andreas Ette (BiB)

Mortality trends in the US and Europe

Chair: Jacques Vallin (INED)

Multipartnered fertility in northern Europe: A sequence analytical approach to reveal gender inequalities in fertility with consecutive partners

Stefano Arnolfo and Nicole Hiekel (MPIDR)

Global Scholarly (im)mobility, migration, and integration

Aliakbar Akbaritabar (MPIDR)

The deterioration of life expectancy trends in the United States: Understanding the contribution of geographic disparities

Magali Barbieri (UC Berkeley, INED), Celeste Winant (UC Berkeley)

Education and intended number of children in Germany, Moldova and Norway: An international comparison using FReDA-GGS-Data

Sandra Krapf (ifb Bamberg), Isabella Buber-Ennser (VID), Martin Bujard (BiB)

Transnational emotional support networks of refugees in Germany: Variations by gender and country of origin

Ludovica Gambaro, Lenore Sauer and Elisabeth Kraus (BiB)

Trends of life expectancy in European cross-border regions between 1992-2020

Sophie Stroisch (University of Groningen, University of Oldenburg), Michael Mühlichen and Pavel Grigoriev (BiB), Rok Hrzic (Maastricht University), Tobias Vogt (University of Groningen)

Fertility intentions and behaviour: An analysis of interethnic couples in Germany

Giulia Costantini and Stefani Scherer (University of Trento)

How weather and conflict shocks affected internal displacement in Somalia

Lisa Thalheimer (UNU-EHS)

Economic Europeanization and regional mortality disparities in Central and Eastern Europe

Rok Hrzic (Maastricht University), Pavel Grigoriev (BiB)

The impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on fertility plans in Germany

Ruth Overmann (Universität der Bundeswehr München), Anne-Kristin Kuhnt (University of Rostock)

Home ownership and single-family housing: How they relate to employment and family dynamics across the generations of immigrants in Sweden

Mary Abed Al Ahad and Hill Kulu (University of St Andrews), Gunnar Andersson (Stockholm University)

16:30Federal Statistical OfficeCoffee Break
16:45Federal Statistical Office

Parallel Keynotes I

50 Years of family and fertility surveys: A reflection on measurement instruments and scientific discoveries

Anne Gauthier (NIDI)

Links between internal and international migration over the life course

Sergi Vidal (Autonomous University of Barcelona)

17:45End of Day 1
19:00TBAGet Together

Day 2: Tuesday, July 4


Strand 1

3 Years of FReDA: Families and Partnerships in Germany and Europe

Strand 2

Internal Mobility and International Migration Across the Life Course

Strand 3

Mortality Trends and Future Prospects for Longevity in Times of Great Uncertainty

09:00Good Morning Coffee and Registration
09:30Parallel Keynotes II

Assessing sexual-minority respondents’attitudes, behaviours, and outcomes: Quantitative findings from pairfam & FReDA

Karsten Hank (University of Cologne)

Intergenerational socioeconomic and cultural consequences of migration of Turkey-origin labour migrants in Europe

Ayse Guveli (University of Essex)

What are we learning about socioeconomic inequalities in mortality in Europe?

Alyson Van Raalte (MPIDR)


Coffee Break

11:00Federal Statistical OfficeParallel Sessions III

Gender ideology and partnerships

Chair: Detlev Lück (BiB)

Consequences of migration

Chair: Irena Kogan (University of Mannheim)

Sub-national mortality trends and differentials

Chair: Markus Sauerberg (BiB)

Declined traditionalism or widespread diversification? Gender ideologies in contemporary East and West Germany

Leonie Kleinschrot (German Youth Institute)

Birthright citizenship, parental involvement and children's education

Elena Ziege (BiB)

Measuring and interpreting area-level mortality determinants: Some methodological considerations

Domantas Jasilionis, László Németh and Dmitri Jdanov (MPIDR)

Life course transitions and gender ideologies across adolescence and young adulthood: How romantic relationships, educational pathways, and labour market experiences affect young people’s beliefs

Janna Wilhelm (University of Tübingen)

Will the COVID-19 pandemic increase ethnic inequality? New immigrants’ socio-cultural integration in challenging times

Claudia Diehl (University of Konstanz), Matthias Koenig (Heidelberg University), Cornelia Kristen (University of Bamberg), Daniel Degen (University of Konstanz), Julia Rüdel (Heidelberg University), Julian Seuring (University of Bamberg)

When geography contradicts history: The case of gender differences in life expectancy

France Meslé and Jacques Vallin (INED)

Same or different worlds? Multidimensional gender ideology among men and women in Germany

Viktoria-Rosalie Oellers, Daniela Grunow, Natalie Nitsche and Daniele Florean (Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main)

Correlations between family characteristics and short-term economic outcomes of emigrants

Lisa Mansfeld (University of Duisburg-Essen)

Drivers of population change in Danish municipalities

Óskar Daði Jóhannsson (CPop, CED), Marie-Pier Bergeron Boucher (CPop)

They are for each other? Gender attitudes at the couple level and the transition to marriage in Germany

Daniele Florean (Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main)

The gender gap in returns to study abroad experiences

Nicolai Netz, Frauke Peter and Fine Cordua (DZHW)

Long-term health effects of the Chernobyl accident in Ukraine

Nataliia Levchuk (NAS of Ukraine, MPIDR), Laura Ann Cilek (BiB), Jonas Schöley and Domantas Jasilionis (MPIDR)

Income pooling strategies: Unpacking the heterogeneity within the ‘Cohabitation-Marriage Gap’ in Europe

Flavia Mazzeo (NIDI), Nicole Hiekel (MPIDR), Agnese Vitali (University of Trento)

Recommendations on the collection and analyses of migration-related determinants in public health research

Carmen Koschollek (RKI), Katja Kajikhina (MPIIB), Marleen Bug and Claudia Hövener (RKI)

12:45Federal Statistical OfficeLunch Break
13:45Federal Statistical OfficeParallel Sessions IV

Family relations

Chair: Lena Frembs (BiB)

Poster session

Chairs: Elisabeth Kraus and Nils Witte (both BiB)

Measuring and interpreting health and mortality outcomes

Chair: Carlo Giovanni Camarda (INED)

The effects of family life-course events on sibling relationships in young and middle adulthood

Marcel Raab (ifb Bamberg), Matthias Klingler (University of Bamberg), Florian Schulz (ifb Bamberg)

Monitoring internal migration flows using origin–destination data based on Twitter user locations

Long Nguyen (University of Bielefeld)

Estimating kin loss due to violent deaths in Mexico: A subnational microsimulation approach

Antonino Polizzi (University of Oxford), Diego Alburez-Gutierrez (MPIDR)

Intergenerational relationships in low status migrant families: Curse or blessing for social mobility?

Juan Deininger and Petra Böhnke (Universität Hamburg)

How the deterioration of soil, caused by climate change, affects internal migration

Keiti Kondi (UCLouvain)

Cause of death statistics in Japan and future orientation in the ICD-11 era

Reiko Hayashi (IPSS)

The hidden burden? The linkage of care norms, work-life stress and maternal wellbeing in Germany

Sabine Diabaté (BiB)

Hard-to-reach, harder to research? First lessons from an App-RDS on rejected asylum seekers’ im-/mobility decisions

Randy Stache, Laura Peitz and Lisa Johnson (Research Centre: Migration, Integration and Asylum at the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees)

Introduction to the German National Cohort (NAKO)

Ulrich Mueller, Andrea Werdecker and Ronny Westerman (BiB)

Ongoing intensification of suburbanization? The impact of COVID-19 on internal migration in Germany

Tamilwai Kolowa, Nico Stawarz and Nikola Sander (BiB)

Challenging prevailing stereotypes about gender differences in health reporting: Evidence using biomarker data from the Health and Retirement Study

Anna Oksuzyan (University of Bielefeld), Maciej J. Dańko, Jennifer Caputo, Mine Kühn and Yana Vierboom (MPIDR)

International migration and shifts in subjective well-being: A longitudinal study using German panel data

Andreas Genoni, Nico Stawarz, Heiko Rüger and Andreas Ette (BiB)

The role of non-cognitive skills for ethnic stratification in education

Eleonora Vlach (Goethe University Frankfurt am Main), Loris Vergolini (University of Bologna)

Intergenerational returns to migration: Evidence from Italian migrants worldwide

Guido Neidhöfer and Chiara Malavasi (ZEW Mannheim)

15:15MuseumCoffee Break
16:00MuseumPlenary Keynote “Unlocking the Power of Early Education and Care: The Key to Understanding Population Dynamics” – C. Katharina Spieß, Director of the BiB
16:45MuseumPlenary Panel Discussion: Dialogue with Policy Actors; Participants: Ayse Guveli, Karsten Hank, Mélanie Levasseur, Alyson van Raalte, C. Katharina Spieß, Sergi Vidal
17:30BiB GardenBiB Anniversary Party

Day 3: Wednesday, July 5


Strand 1

3 Years of FReDA: Families and Partnerships in Germany and Europe

Strand 2

Internal Mobility and International Migration Across the Life Course

Strand 3

Mortality Trends and Future Prospects for Longevity in Times of Great Uncertainty

08:45Good Morning Coffee and Registration


Federal Statistical Office

Parallel Sessions V

COVID-19 and mental health/methods

Chair: Sophia Schmitz (BiB)

Spatial ethnic segregation and its consequences

Chair: Heiko Rüger (BiB)

Socioeconomic inequalities in mortality

Chair: Felix zur Nieden (Federal Statistical Office of Germany)

Gender inequality in childcare and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany. Do gender role attitudes matter?

Mine Kühn (MPIDR & Tilburg University), Nicole Hiekel (MPIDR)

Leaving behind the factories of despair: Intergenerational effects on educational attainment during the Great Black Migration

Andreas Vortisch (University of Luxembourg)

Are we all similar before death? Socio-demographic inequalities in pathways to death in Sweden

Marcus Ebeling (MPIDR), Anna C. Meyer and Karin Modig (Karolinska University)

Change or challenge: Who provides consent to data transfer due to an institutional change in a self-administered family panel?

Almut Schumann (BiB), Claudia Schmiedeberg (University of Munich)

There goes the Auswahlbezirk: Estimating the “White-Flight” effect with the Microcensus

Klaus Pforr (GESIS)

What a difference a day makes: School starting age effects on mortality

Mathias Huebener (BiB), Jan Marcus (FU Berlin), Shushan Margaryan (University of Potsdam)

Concurrent, web-first, push-to-web, or web-only? How different mode choice sequences perform in recruiting participants in a self-administered family demographic panel study

Pablo Christmann and Tobias Gummer (GESIS), Armando Häring (infas), Tanja Kunz and Anne-Sophie Oehrlein (GESIS), Michael Ruland (infas), Lisa Schmid (GESIS)

Ethnic segregation in a stratified school system: Does ability tracking hamper ‘white flight’ from local schools?

Hanno Kruse (University of Bonn), Janna Teltemann (University of Hildesheim), Jörg Dollmann (German Centre for Integration and Migration Research DeZIM)

Measuring widowhood duration: Theoretical developments & empirical evidence for France

Julie Tréguier (DIW Berlin), Carole Bonnet (INED), Didier Blanchet (INSEE)

Names, diversity and innovation

Anna Kremer (TU Dresden & ifo Dresden)

Contribution of past trends in socio-economic inequalities in longevity to overall trends in life expectancy

Jesus-Daniel Zazueta-Borboa (NIDI, University of Groningen), Ugofilippo Basellini (INED), Pekka Martikainen (University of Helsinki, MPIDR, Stockholm University), Emilio Zagheni (MPIDR), Fanny Janssen (NIDI, University of Groningen)

10:45Coffee Break
11:00Federal Statistical OfficeParallel Sessions VI

Division of household labour

Chair: Kerstin Ruckdeschel (BiB)

The migration-mobility-nexus

Chair: Sergi Vidal (Autonomous University of Barcelona)

Mortality trends and differentials in Germany

Chair: Eva Kibele (State Office for Statistics Bremen)

Task-specific differences in couples’ division of domestic work: A comparative analyses for Europe

Gundula Zoch (University of Oldenburg), Stefanie Heyne (Mannheim Centre for European Social Research:MZES)

How internal migration, international migration and commuting have changed in Germany over the past decades

Nico Stawarz, Andreas Genoni and Heiko Rüger (BiB), Thomas Skora (GESIS), Andreas Ette (BiB), Matthias Rosenbaum-Feldbrügge (Radboud University), Nikola Sander (BiB)

Increasing stillbirth rates in Germany: The influence of changes in population structure

Maxi Stella Kniffka (MPIDR), Roland Rau (MPIDR, University of Rostock), Jonas Schöley, Mine Kühn and Natalie Nitsche (MPIDR)

Gender egalitarianism and outsourcing: Complementary or competing strategies for addressing work-family conflict?

Liat Raz-Yurovich (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

Internal and international migration in “Schengenland”: Selectivity and labour market performance of graduate migration from Italy and Spain

Jose David Lopez Blanco (University Carlos III)

Possibilities and limitations in the analysis of cause-of-death-specific mortality on the basis of multi-causal data: COVID-19 mortality in Bavaria 2020-2021

Andrea Buschner (Bavarian State Office for Statistics)

The division of routine and non-routine Housework among migrant and native couples in Germany

Theresa Nutz, Lisa Schmid and Reinhard Pollak (GESIS)

What shapes international students’ post-graduation migration intentions?

Knut Petzold and Marie Siebenhaar (Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz – University of Applied Sciences)

Area-based socioeconomic inequalities in cancer mortality in Germany: An ecological study based on cause of death statistics 2003 to 2019

Fabian Tetzlaff, Jens Hoebel, Niels Michalski and Enno Nowossadeck (RKI)

The gendered division of cognitive household labour, mental load, and family-work conflict in european countries

Andreas Haupt (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Demographic turnover and the migration system in Spain

Osama Damoun, Andreu Domingo and Jordi Bayona-i-Carrasco (Centre for Demographic Studies/Autonomous University of Barcelona)

The contribution of mortality after a myocardial infarction to rural-urban mortality differences in Germany

Marcus Ebeling (MPIDR), Michael Mühlichen and Sebastian Klüsener (BiB)


Parallel Conclusion

Moderation: Lena Frembs, Emily Lines and Detlev Lück (BiB)

Parallel Conclusion

Moderation: Elisabeth Kraus and Nils Witte (BiB)

Parallel Conclusion

Moderation: Pavel Grigoriev, Sebastian Klüsener and Markus Sauerberg (BiB)

12:45End of Conference

Conference Venue

The conference will take place at two venues:

  • Museum Wiesbaden
    Hesse State Museum of Art and Nature
    Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 2, 65185 Wiesbaden

    Google Maps

  • Federal Statistical Office of Germany (Destatis)

    Statistisches Bundesamt
    Gustav-Stresemann-Ring 11
    65189 Wiesbaden

    Google Maps

The BiB Anniversary Celebration at Day 2 (July 4) will take place at the BiB which is located directly next to the Museum Wiesbaden.

Programme and Overview (PDF)

Download: Programme (pdf, 573KB) and Overview of the BiB anniversary week (pdf, 1MB)

Overview Overview Overview of the BiB anniversary week

Conference funded by:


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Logo of the European Research Council (ERC)