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A Comparative Survey of European Attitudes: Volume 1 (1995)
1. Introduction
Rossella Palomba and Hein Moors
2. Demographic Change and Public Policy in Europe
Miroslav Macura, Mitchell Eggers, and Tomas Frejka
3. The Scope and Methods of the National Surveys
Hein Moors
4. Austria: Heading towards Gender Equality, and New Forms of Solidarity
Eva Nebenführ
5. Belgium: A Family-Friendly Climate as the Valorization of Individuality
Dragana Avramov, Marc Callens, and Robert Cliquet
6. Czechoslovakia: One Culture in Two States
Jirjina Kolorosova
7. Germany: Unification in Attitudes?
Bernd Störtzbach
8. Hungary: Population Policy as a National Issue
Ferenc Kamartis
9. Italy: The Invisible Change
Rossella Palomba
10. The-Netherlands: Great Tolerance but Little Solidarity
Hein Moors
11. Spain: Family Policies as Social Policies
Joaquin Arango and Margarita Delgado
12. Switzerland: Persisting Scepticism about Pro-Birth Interventions
Beat Fux
13. Attitudes towards Marriage, Children, and Population Policies in Europe
Rossella Palomba and Hein Moors