Federal Institute for Population Research

PPAS Major Publications

Results from the First Wave

Palomba, Rossella; Moors, Hein (eds.):
Population, Family and Welfare. A Comparative Survey of European Attitudes – Volume 1 and 2
Oxford: Clarendon Press 1995/1998

Volume 1 is focussed on the individual countries' situation (table of contents).

Volume 2 presents the results from the PPA surveys in comparative perspective, analysing the common themes across the PPA countries (table of contents).

Results from the Second Wave

Höhn, Charlotte; Avramov, Dragana; Kotowska, Irena E. (eds.):
People, Population Change and Policies. Lessons from the Population Policy Acceptance Study – Volume 1 and 2
Dordrecht: Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 2008

Volume 1: Family Change (table of contents)

Volume 2: Demographic Knowledge - Gender - Ageing (table of contents)

Title of the two volumes of "People, Population Change and Policies" People, Population Change and Policies

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