Federal Institute for Population Research

Research Area: Family and Fertility

Research Director: Prof. Dr. Martin Bujard

With total fertility rates of around 1.3 to 1.4, Germany is one of the countries with a very low birth rate. However, there have recently been significant trend reversals: While birth rates rose to between 1.5 and 1.6 in the 2010s, there has been a decline - across Europe - to around 1.4 children per woman since 2022. At the same time, families are experiencing an enormous change in lifestyles and work-sharing models. Current challenges such as the compatibility of work and family, the increased demands of parenthood or the realisation of children's wishes at an advanced age play a central role in this. The aim of the research area is to investigate cultural aspects of family life, for example the change in social values and the interactions between working and family life as well as their links to structural phenomena, such as those shaped by family policy.

Mission Statement

The family is one of the most important areas of life and a cornerstone of society. We examine the conditions that contribute to the realisation of the desire to have children and the success of family life in its various forms. Our research topics include partnership, the reconciliation of care and gainful employment, and health.

Current Research Projects

Research Group: Family

The focus of the research group is on how cultural perceptions influence family life. They are analysed in the context of structural factors such as family policy. Thematic areas of emphasis include division of work, parenting, gender ideologies, and the work-family balance.

Recent Projects of the Research Group

Transformation of Parenthood

The project looks at the cultural factors involved in fertility and family decisions. The focus is on norms regarding family and partnership, and their stability over time. more: Transformation of Parenthood …

Parents in the Rush Hour of Life

This project focusses on the phase of life in which starting a family and establishing a career come together and represent a double burden. more: Parents in the Rush Hour of Life …

Public health specialising in children, young people and families

The project investigates the interaction between family and various aspects of health, mental health such as depression and anxiety disorders, health behaviour such as physical activity and physical activity and nutrition, as well as risk and resilience factors across the life course. more: Public health specialising in children, young people and families …

Research Group: Fertility

The research group aims to describe and explain the birth rate in Germany in its chronological and historical course, in its difference to other societies, and in its disparities among different parts of the population.

Recent Projects of the Research Group

Fertility in the Context of Migration and Integration

The project focuses on the emphasis of ethnic and religious diversity resulting from the immigration movements of the past decades and demographic developments in the population groups with and without a migration background. more: Fertility in the Context of Migration and Integration …

Infertility and Reproductive Medicine

The project deals with fertility problems and the use of medical interventions against the background of changing fertility behaviour. more: Infertility and Reproductive Medicine …

Crises, Uncertainties and Fertility

The project analyses the correlation between health, social and economic crises on the one hand and fertility on the other. more: Crises, Uncertainties and Fertility …

Research Group: FReDA – The Family Demography Panel

The research group is setting up a data infrastructure for family demography research in Germany. In cooperation with other research institutions, it collects its own survey data, links them with official data and data from other sources, and makes them available for academic research in the context of family and population. Its core consists of the Family Research and Demographic Analysis (FReDA) survey programme.

Recent Projects of the Research Group

FReDA – The German Family Demography Panel Study

The Family Research and Demographic Analysis (FReDA) project is a data collection programme that links Germany’s Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) with the Panel Analysis of Intimate Relationships and Family Dynamics (pairfam). more: FReDA – The German Family Demography Panel Study …


The Generations & Gender Programme Preparatory Phase Project - "GGP-5D" for short - aims to develop the GGP from a cooperation of European research institutions into a "European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC)", i.e. a permanently established, European-funded research infrastructure with its own legal status. more: GGP-5D …

Completed Research Projects

Selected former Projects

Well-being of families during the Corona pandemic

The project examines developments in family well-being and changes over the course of the pandemic, as well as socio-demographic and socio-economic differences for different points in time within the pandemic. more: Well-being of families during the Corona pandemic …

Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Families

The project analyses the effects on mental health, the situation of couples and life satisfaction, differentiating between different socio-economic groups. more: Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Families …

Large Families and the Two-Child Norm

The project analyses the causes and consequences of the decline in large families on a societal level as well as the personal motivations of people to have or not have a third child. more: Large Families and the Two-Child Norm …

Changes in Living Arrangements, Marriage and Divorces

The project summarises publications within the BiB Working Paper series that address selected demographic issues. more: Changes in Living Arrangements, Marriage and Divorces …


This project addresses causes of permanent childlessness and its evolution in the life course. more: Childlessness …

Concepts of Family in Germany

This project examines the prevalence of “concepts of family”, their significance for family life and how they influence the development of relationships and families, particularly with regard to reproductive behaviour. more: Concepts of Family in Germany …

Couples Undergoing Fertility Treatment (PinK)

The prospective survey which is the centre of the project deals with different pathways into fertility treatment, decision processes and couples' situations during treatment. A special focus is on the emotional, financial and physical burdens in couples. more: Couples Undergoing Fertility Treatment (PinK) …

Elterngeld: Germany's Parental Leave

This project analyses aims, effects and the development of Germany's parental leave (Elterngeld). In particular, effects on fertility development, income and maternal employment are examined. more: Elterngeld: Germany's Parental Leave …

Family and Fertility of Turkish Immigrants in Germany

The focus of the project is to conduct comparative analyses of family formation, family extension, couple relationships and births for people who have a Turkish background and people who do not have a migration background. more: Family and Fertility of Turkish Immigrants in Germany …

Family in Pictures

This project examines cultural conceptions of family with a method that accounts for the unreflected character of concepts of family. This way, participants draw a family and are interviewed afterwards regarding their drawing. more: Family in Pictures …

Family Policy, Cultural Conceptions of Family and Realities of Life

The project examines the correlations between family policy, cultural conceptions of family and the realities of families in Germany. Its focus is on the reconciliation of work and family. more: Family Policy, Cultural Conceptions of Family and Realities of Life …

Generations and Gender Programme

The Generations and Gender Programme (GGP) is a social science infrastructure programme for providing international data on family and demography. Within this framework, the Generation and Gender Survey (GGS) is conducted. more: Generations and Gender Programme …

International Comparison of Concepts of Family

Supplementing the research on concepts of family in Germany, an international comparison with France and Hungary was initiated. more: International Comparison of Concepts of Family …

Joint Lifetime of Family Generations

This project tackles the question of how, on the one hand, the high life expectancy and, on the other, the increasing age of mothers at childbirth will impact the joint lifetime of three and four generations and will develop in future. more: Joint Lifetime of Family Generations …

Large Families

This project examines the conditions which encourage or hinder people to have a third child. more: Large Families …

Parity-Specific Fertility Analyses

This project aims to ascertain the influence of different parities – i.e. 0, 1, 2 or 3 children – on fertility development. In addition, it examines what extent different factors play a role in the decision for first, second or third childbirth. more: Parity-Specific Fertility Analyses …

Regional Fertility Analyses

In this project, cohort fertility rates at the district level are measured for the first time. Furthermore, the causes of regional fertility differences are analysed. more: Regional Fertility Analyses …

The Rush Hour of Life: Phases of Life with Great Time Demands and Grouped Life Choices

The project examines the lived realities and strategies of young couples to reconcile work and family life. There are two variants of the “rush hour of life”: A high workload during the phase when people have young children and a concentration of crucial life choices during one’s thirties. more: The Rush Hour of Life: Phases of Life with Great Time Demands and Grouped Life Choices …

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