Federal Institute for Population Research

FReDA – The Family Demographic Panel

Content and Objectives

Within the Family Demographic Panel (FReDA), the BiB is responsible in particular for coordination with the FReDA partner institutes, the FReDA Council, the consortium of the Generations and Gender Programme (GGP), policymakers and data users. Research Group 1.3 “FReDA - The Family Demographic Panel” is responsible for the ongoing development of questionnaires for FReDA and aims to link them with official data, including among others small-scale macro data and geo-referential data. It documents the survey programme for data users and for interested parties from science, the media, politics and the public, in particular on a website and in documentation, which is made available free of charge online as a printed version and as PDF documents. It also promptly reports current core findings of political relevance to politicians and the public.

FReDA is a panel with semi-annual repeat surveys, with the spring and autumn surveys asking different, complementary questions and each representing a “wave”. A representative sample of the German resident population aged 18 to 49 (at the time of sampling) and their partners are surveyed. Since 2022, the sample of the "Relationship and Family Panel" (pairfam) has also been integrated into FReDA. A total of around 30,000 people are surveyed in each (partial) wave. FReDA collects data on various family demographic topics with interdisciplinary references. Every three years, the FReDA questionnaire corresponds to the German “Generations and Gender Survey (GGS)”, which is conducted in numerous countries and whose data is internationally comparable. In order to make the content of the FReDA surveys as relevant and innovative as possible, researchers are invited each year to submit suggestions for additional questions. A selection is made from the proposals submitted and integrated into the questionnaire in the form of “open modules”. The data from FReDA is made available to the scientific community free of charge via the data archive of the Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences (GESIS).

The project began in 2020 by preparing the first survey and drawing a representative sample. The first surveys were conducted in 2021 - mainly online. In 2022, the first open modules were surveyed, the first data published and the first analyses carried out. This was followed in 2023 by the surveys of the third wave, the data release of the complete first wave and the first user conference. The surveys for the fourth wave, the release of the second wave, two further user conferences and various information and training events are scheduled for 2024. In addition, the external evaluation of the project commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) will be finalised. Based on the evaluation results, recommendations will be made for the continuation of FReDA, with funding to be provided by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Home Affairs (BMI) following a positive assessment.

Data and Methods

The core of FReDA is a permanent biannual repeat survey of a large representative sample of the 18- to 49-year-old resident population in Germany.

The people recruited in 2021 will then be interviewed every six months. They can choose between paper questionnaires sent by post and online interviews. GESIS in Mannheim is responsible for implementing the follow-up surveys. There will be refreshment samples every three years, which will keep the sample size stable over the long term and replace those that drop out of the survey over time. In addition to the subjects selected for the sample, surveys will also be conducted with their partners. They also have the choice between paper and online questionnaires.

Every third year, the FReDA survey corresponds to the German Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) and therefore allows international comparisons with numerous other countries in Europe and beyond. From 2022, the sample from the pairfam study will be integrated into the FReDA surveys.

A panel consent to be interviewed again was given by 26,725 persons. The original target of at least 10,000 complete interviews in the first year of the survey was thus clearly exceeded. In the subsequent repeat surveys, well over 20,000 interviews were realised in each case, plus partners about 30,000 respondents. The survey is implemented predominantly through self-completed online questionnaires, supplemented by paper questionnaires sent by post. The survey instrument is divided into an approximately 25-minute spring survey and an equally long autumn survey.


01/2020 - permanent


  • GESIS – Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Mannheim: u.a. Prof. Dr. Tobias Gummer, Prof. Dr. Christof Wolf
  • Universität zu Köln (in Vertretung des pairfam-Konsortiums): Prof. Dr. Karsten Hank
  • Universität Jena: Prof. Dr. Franz J. Neyer
  • Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI), Den Haag: Dr. Anne Gauthier
  • Institut National d’Études Démographiques (INED), Paris: Laurent Toulemon
  • Hungarian Demographic Research Institute (HDRI), Budapest: Prof. Dr. Zsolt Spéder; Dr. Zsuzsanna Makay
  • Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital (ÖAW), Wien: Dr. Isabella Buber-Ennser
  • Statistics Norway (SSB) / University of Oslo: Dr. Lars Dommermuth
  • Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Madrid: Prof. Dr. Diego Ramiro
  • Population Unit, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Genf: Lisa Warth
  • Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA), Bergen: Ivana Versic
  • Warsaw School of Economics (SGH), Warschau: Prof. Dr. Irena E. Kotowska; Prof. Dr. Monika Mynarska
  • Università Bocconi, Dondena Centre for Social Dynamics and Public Policy, Mailand: Prof. Dr. Francesco Billari
  • Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Zagreb (EFZG): Prof. Dr. Ivan Cipin
  • Masaryk University (MUNI), Brünn: Prof. Dr. Martin Kreidl
  • Tallinn University (TLU): Prof. Dr. Luule Sakkeus
  • Centre for Demographic Research, Vytautas Magnus University (VMU), Kaunas: Prof. Dr. Aušra Maslauskaitė
  • University of Oslo (UiO): Prof. Dr. Trude Lappegård
  • Demography Unit, Stockholm University (SU): Prof. Dr. Gunnar Andersson
  • University of Southampton: Prof. Dr. Brienna Perelli-Harris
  • University of Oxford: Prof. Dr. Melinda Mills
  • Generations and Gender Programme (GGP)


Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) (until 12/2024)

Selected Publications

Lück, Detlev; Frembs, Lena C.; Bujard, Martin; Weih, Ulrich (2023):

FORUM Sexualaufklärung und Familienplanung: Informationsdienst der Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BZgA) 1: 4–9.

Gambaro, Ludovica; Spiess, C. Katharina; Wrohlich, Katharina; Ziege, Elena (2023):

Comparative Population Studies 48.

Bujard, Martin; Hank, Karsten; Pollak, Reinhard (2023):

Comparative Population Studies 48: 657–663.

Krapf, Sandra; Buber-Ennser, Isabella; Bujard, Martin (2023):

Comparative Population Studies 48: 589–628.

Bujard, Martin; Gummer, Tobias; Hank, Karsten; Neyer, Franz J.; Pollak, Reinhard; Schneider, Norbert F.; Spieß, C. Katharina; Wolf, Christof; Bauer, Irina; Börlin, Simon; Bretschi, David; Brüggemann, Katja; Christmann, Pablo; Edinger, Rüdiger; Eigenbrodt, Felicitas; Frembs, Lena Claudia; Groß, Katharina; Jost, Carolin; Kunz, Tanja; Lines, Emily; Lück, Detlev; Naderi, Robert; Naumann, Elias; Nutz, Theresa; Oehrlein, Anne-Sophie; Oellers, Viktoria; Ruckdeschel, Kerstin; Schmid, Lisa; Schumann, Almut; Schumann, Nina; Stein, Annika; Thönnissen, Carolin; Ullrich, Emely; von den Driesch, Ellen; Weih, Ulrich (2023):

Köln: GESIS.

Schneider, Norbert F.; Bujard, Martin; Wolf, Christof; Gummer, Tobias; Hank, Karsten; Neyer, Franz J. (2021):

Comparative Population Studies 46: 149–186.

More Publications

Bujard, Martin; Laß, Inga; Lines, Emily; Ludwig-Walz, Helena (Ed.) (2023):

FReDA Policy Brief, Juli 2023.

Bujard, Martin; Gummer, Tobias; Hank, Karsten; Neyer, Franz J.; Pollak, Reinhard; Schneider, Norbert F.; Spieß, C. Katharina; Wolf, Christof; Bauer, Irina; Börlin, Simon; Bretschi, David; Brüggemann, Katja; Christmann, Pablo; Frembs, Lena; Groß, Katharina; Jost, Carolin; Kunz, Tanja; Lenke, Rüdiger; Lines, Emily; Lück, Detlev; Naderi, Robert; Naumann, Elias; Nutz, Theresa; Oehrlein, Anne-Sophie; Oellers, Viktoria; Ruckdeschel, Kerstin; Schmid, Lisa; Schumann, Almut; Schumann, Nina; Stein, Annika; Thönnissen, Carolin; Ullrich, Emely; von den Driesch, Ellen; Weih, Ulrich (2022):

Köln: GESIS.

Weih, Ulrich; Lines, Emily; Lück, Detlev; Thönnissen, Carolin; Christmann, Pablo (2022):

Ernährungs Umschau 5: M278–M279.

Gummer, Tobias; Schmiedeberg, Claudia; Bujard, Martin; Christmann, Pablo; Hank, Karsten; Kunz, Tanja; Lück, Detlev; Neyer, Frank J. (2020):

Survey Research Methods 14(2): 223–227.

Emery, Tom; Cabaço, Susana; Lugtig, Peter; Toepoel, Vera; Lück, Detlev; Naderi, Robert; Bujard, Martin; Schumann, Almut (2019):


Ruckdeschel, Kerstin; Sauer, Lenore; Naderi, Robert (2016):

Demographic Research 34(11): 321–358.

Sauer, Lenore; Beyreuther, Linda; Ette, Andreas; Lück, Detlev; Naderi, Robert; Panova, Ralina; Ruckdeschel, Kerstin (2012):

Materialien zur Bevölkerungswissenschaft 121c. Wiesbaden: Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung.

Naderi, Robert; Beyreuther, Linda; Ette, Andreas; Leven, Ingo; Lück, Detlev; Panova, Ralina; Pupeter, Monika; Sauer, Lenore (2012):

Materialien zur Bevölkerungswissenschaft 121d. Wiesbaden: Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung.

Ruckdeschel, Kerstin; Ette, Andreas; Hullen, Gert; Leven, Ingo (2009):

Supplement to Materialien zur Bevölkerungswissenschaft 121a. Wiesbaden: Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung.

Ette, Andreas; Hullen, Gert; Leven, Ingo; Ruckdeschel, Kerstin (2007):

Materialien zur Bevölkerungswissenschaft 121b. Wiesbaden: Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung.

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