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Director: Prof. Dr. C. Katharina Spieß
In the context of demographic change, education and educational success are becoming increasingly important for population research, for example with regard to the challenges of the declining working-age population. In addition to the three major research areas at the BiB, the research group “Education and Human Potential” has therefore been in existence since 2022.
This research group addresses education issues from both a short- and longer-term perspective. The research group focuses in particular on early education and care. It is concerned with how the educational potential of all population groups can develop from the very beginning. Consequently, both the future human potential, i.e. the education of children, and the current human potential of parents, especially of mothers with young children, are considered. The research group is concerned with education and care in early day care centers and the family as the first place of learning. It investigates (early) educational inequalities. In addition, the group studies how classic demographic events such as fertility, migration and mortality are related to education-related aspects.
Mission Statement
The development of the current and future human potential plays an increasingly important role in the context of demographic change. Therefore, we analyze educational inequalities, the unlocking of educational potential, and the development and use of human capital in Germany. A particular focus is on inequalities in early education and care and how these can be reduced in order to tap the potential of all population groups from the very beginning.