Federal Institute for Population Research

Slovenian Publications and Presentations


Černič Istenič, Majda (2007): Attitudes towards Gender Roles and Gender Role Behaviour among Urban, Rural, and Fram Populations in Slovenia. In: Journal of Comparative Family Studies 38,3: 477-496

Stropnik, Nada; Sambt, Jože (2007): Parental Leave and Child Allowances: Attitudes, Preferences and Possible Impact. In: Revija za socijalnu politiku 14,3: 347-371

Stropnik, Nada (2007): Fertility Behaviour of Highly Educated People in Slovenia. In: Anthropological Notebooks 13,2: 51-72

Stropnik, Nada (2005): Attitudes towards Ageing and the Aged in Slovenia. Contributions from PPAS at the European Population Conference, Warsaw, Poland, 26-30 August 2003. In: Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung (ed.): DIALOG Working Paper No. 3. Contributions from PPAS at the European Population Conference, Warsaw, Poland, 26-30 August 2003: Wiesbaden: BiB: 127-137

Stropnik, Nada (2004): A Highly Desirable and Possibly Feasible Scenario. Slovenia: More Balanced Gender Roles Supoprted by Family-Friendly Conditions in the Labour Market. In: Demotrends 2-3: 11

Stropnik, Nada (2002): Childcare in Slovenia. Facts, Preferences, Privatisation. In: Butijn, C.A.A.; Groot-Marcus, J.P.; van der Linden, M.; Steenbekkers, L.P.A.; Terpstra, P.M.J. (eds.): Changes at the Other End of the Chain. Maastricht: Shaker Publishing BV: 253-264

Stropnik, Nada; Černič Istenič, Majda (2001): Prebivalstvo, družina, blaginja: stališča do politike in ukrepov (Population, family, welfare: Attitudes towards policy and measures). Inštitut za ekonomska raziskovanja, Ljubljana, June 2001, 136 pp. (research report)

Stropnik, Nada (2001): Preferences in Slovenia versus Reality in Europe. The Case of Parental Leave and Child Benefit. European Population Conference 2001, Helsinki, 7-9 June 2001, 13 pp.

Stropnik, Nada (2001): Child Care in Slovenia. An Example of a Successful Transition. In: Child: Care, Health and Development 27,3: 263-278

Presentations and Papers

Stropnik, Nada (2006): Families in Social Policy: Opinions on the Government's Role. Paper at the 10 Biennial ICSD European Conference, Warsaw, 29 June - 1 July 2006

Stropnik, Nada; Sambt, Jože; Kocourková, Jiřina: Preferences for Improved Parental Leave and Higher Child Allowance. Paper at the European Population Conference, Liverpool, UK, 21-24 June 2006

Stropnik, Nada; Sambt, Jože; Kocourková, Jiřina: Preferences for Improved Parental Leave and Higher Child Allowance. Population Challenges in Ageing Societies, Abstracts. European Population Conference 2006: Liverpool, UK: 21-24th June, European Association for Population Studies (EAPS) in The Department of Geography, The University of Liverpool, p. 156

Stropnik, Nada: Stališča prebivalstva kot odraz novih trendov v starševstvu in podlaga za preoblikovanje družinske politike v Sloveniji. Inšitut za ekonomska raziskovanja, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 2005

Stropnik, Nada; Sambt, Jože(2005): Parental Leave and Child Allowances: Attitudes, Preferences and Possible Impact. The XXVth International Population Conference, Tours, France, 18-23 July 2005

Stropnik, Nada; Vidovicová, Lucie: Attitudes towards Ageing and Family Support of the Elderly in Slovenia and the Czech Republic. Paper presented at the workshop organised by EAPS Working Group on Demographic Change and Care of Older People, INED and LSHTM on “Demographic and Social Change – Implications for Support and Well-Being of Older People in Europe”, Paris, 1-3 September 2004, 14 pp.

Černič Istenič, Majda: Gender Roles in Slovenia: Rural and Urban Citizens' Perceptions. Paper presented at XI World Congress of Rural Sociology, Trondheim, Norway, 25-30 July 2004

Černič Istenič, Majda: Preferences to Reconcile Family and Professional Life versus Reality in Slovenia. European Population Conference, Warsaw, Poland, 26-30 August 2003

Stropnik, Nada: Attitudes towards Ageing and the Aged in Slovenia. European Population Conference, Warsaw, Poland, 26-30 August 2003

Stropnik, Nada: Reliability of a Policy Acceptance and Attitude Survey for Formulating Family- and Population Policy. IUSSP XXIV General Population Conference, Salvador, Brazil, 18-24 August 2001, 15 pp. (available on the conference CD-ROM)

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