Federal Institute for Population Research

Romanian Publications and Presentations

Presentations and Papers

Manea, Beatrice-Elena: Attitudes towards Social and Population Policies in a Changing Society. European Population Conference, Warsaw, Poland, 26-30 August 2003

Manea, Beatrice-Elena: The Meaning of Research. Interdisciplinary Character and Border Line Themes in Population Studies. Rome, 1-3 December 2004 – poster and paper. Data from the PPA2 Czech Republic was used to prepare the paper and the poster. The papers might be published in a special issue.

Beatrice Manea sent article to Special Issue of Feminist Economics on "Gender and Change in Central and Eastern Europe" (1st of November 2004). The article is under review and the special issue will be published in 2007. PPAS data for Romania and the Czech Republic were used for the paper.

Beatrice Manea sent abstract "Balancing work and family: Western Europe versus Eastern Europe" for the IUSSP conference in Tours, France. It was accepted for the session 1108, "Eastern and Western Europe: convergence and divergence". The PPAS database will be used for the paper.

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