Federal Institute for Population Research

Hungarian Publications and Presentations


Marietta Pongrácz (2002): The Role of Employment in the Women Life-Course. In: Changing Roles – Report on the Situation of Women and men in Hungary, 2001. Budapest, 30-46p.

Marietta Pongrácz; Zsolt Spéder (2002): Population-Values-Opinions. Publication of the Hungarian Demographuc Research Institute, Budapest, 166pp.

Marietta Pongrácz (2006): Opinions on Gender Roles. Findings of an International Comparative Study. In: Changing Roles – Report on the situation of Women and Men in Hungary, 2005. Budapest, 71-85p.

Marietta Pongrácz (2007): Correlation between Childbirth, Childlessness and the Evaluation of Children in Some Euroean Countries. In: Demográfia 2-3/2007: 197-220


Spéder Zsolt: Partnership and Childbearing. Recent Development in Family Formation in Hungary "Population and Family at the Turn of the Century". Eloadás a Népességtudományi Kutatóintézet 40 éves fennállása alkalmából rendezett "Family and Population at the Turn of the Century" konferencián, Budapest, KSH 2003

Spéder Zsolt: Párkapcsolatok és gyermekvállalás Magyarországon. Bethesda Gyermekkórház, Budapest, 2004

Spéder Zsolt: Párkapcsolatok és gyermekvállalás. Eloadás a „Demográfiai folyamatok napjainkban” címu, MTA székházban szervezett AIDELF konferencián, Budapest, 2004

Spéder Zsolt: Childbearing Behaviour in the New EU Member States: Basic Trends and Selected Attitudes. Presentation at the "Europe's Coming Generations: Demographic trends and social change" annual seminar of the European Observatory on the Social Situation, Demography and Family. Brussels, 27-28 September 2004

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