Federal Institute for Population Research

Belgian Publications and Presentations


Corijn, Martine (2004): Vlamingen over huwelijk en ouderschap, zorg voor kinderen en ouderen en de gewenste beleidopties. Eerste resultaten van de postenquête 'Bevolking en Beleid in Vlaanderen' (DIALOG-project). (People in Flanders on marriage and parenthood, care for children and for the elderly and the preferred policy options. First results from the mail survey 'Population and Policy in Flanders'). Brussel: CBGS-werkdocument, 5. Based on this document several short articles were posted on the CBGS-website

Desmet, Bert (2004): Vergrijzing of ontgroening. Demografische uitdagingen voor het beleid. In: Oikos. 31,4: 55-63

Desmet, Bert; Van Peer, Christine (2004): Population Policies for Flanders. A Delphi Study. Methodology, fieldwork and results. Brussel: CBGS


Desmet, Bert; Van Peer, Christine (2004): Ouderenbeleid met blik op de toekomst, resultaten van een Delphi studie. Presentation at “Studienamiddag ouderen”, Brussel, 09.12.2004. Organised by CBGS

Dragana Avramov has presented the IPPAS database at the session ‘Examining views and drawing lessons on international data collection’, at the workshop ‘The Impact and Utility of Eurobarometer in the Social Sciences and Humanities’ organised by the European Commission DG RTD Dir K on 30 November 2004 in Brussels.

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