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This is a sortable list showing all publications by researchers from the Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB).
Search results 1 to 10 from a total of 2,134 for search item " "
Levasseur, Mélanie; Naud, Daniel; Cihlar, Volker; Micheel, Frank; Mergenthaler, Andreas; Trottier, Lise (2025):
Situations of vulnerability, life satisfaction, and social support of older women and men: Results from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA).
International Journal of Aging and Human Development (online first).
Lück, Detlev; Englert, Clara; Eigenbrodt, Felicitas; Christmann, Pablo; Naderi, Robert (2025):
Documentation of The German Generations and Gender Survey, Round II – Wave 1.
BiB.Data and Technical Reports 1/2025. Wiesbaden: Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung.
Passet-Wittig, Jasmin; Lück, Detlev (2024):
Drivers of contraceptive non-use among women and men who are not trying to get pregnant.
Population Studies: 1–25.
Wicht, Alexandra; Stawarz, Nico (online first) (2024):
Bildungsarmut und soziale Einbettung.
In: Quenzel, Gudrun; Hurrelmann, Klaus, Groß Ophoff, Jana; Weber, Christoph (Eds.): Handbuch Bildungsarmut. Wiesbaden: SpringerVS: 1–23. [begutachtet]
Stewart, Kitty; Gambaro, Ludovica; Reader, Mary (2024):
Levelling down? Understanding the decline of the maintained nursery sector in England.
British Educational Research Journal (online first).
Diabaté, Sabine; Pauline Kleinschlömer; Ludwig-Walz, Helena (2024):
Family Constellations, Loneliness and Mental Health in Germany.
Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung (Ed.) (2024):
Die Weltbevölkerung 30 Jahre nach Kairo.
Geographische Rundschau 76:11. Braunschweig: Westermann.
BiB.Aktuell 8/2024.
Stawarz, Nico; Genoni, Andreas; Ette, Andreas; Rüger, Heiko (2024):
Internationale Migration und Wohlbefinden. Umzüge von Deutschen ins Ausland steigern das Wohlbefinden.
BiB.Aktuell 8/2024: 3–8.
Genoni, Andreas (2024):
Auswanderung macht Menschen zufriedener.
Demografische Forschung Aus Erster Hand 4/2024: 3.
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