Federal Institute for Population Research

List of Publications

This is a sortable list showing all publications by researchers from the Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB).

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Search results 971 to 980 from a total of 2,109 for search item " "

Kraus, Elisabeth K.; Castro-Martín, Teresa (2018):

European Journal of Population 34 (3): 277–312.

Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung (Ed.) (2017):


Münster, Eva; Rüger, Heiko; Spahn, Daniel; Ochsmann, Elke; Napolitano, Giulio; Zier, Ulrike (2017):

Journal of Child and Family Studies 26(10): 2694–2702.

Thomas, Bernadette et al. (2017):

Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 28(7): 2167–2179.

Huebener, M. & Marcus, J. (2017):

Economics of Education Review 58: 1–14.

Sander, Nikola; Charles-Edwards, Elin (2017):

In: Groth, Hans; May, John F. (Eds.): Africa's Population. In Search of a Demographic Dividend. Cham: Springer: 333–349.

Weinmann, Martin (2017):

Review of European and Russian Affairs 11(1): 1–18.

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