This is a sortable list showing all publications by researchers from the Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB).
Besenthal, Andrea; Lang, Cornelia; Spieß, C. Katharina; Wrohlich, Katharina (2006):
Struktur und Dynamik der weiblichen Erwerbstätigkeit.
In: Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde (Ed.): Nationalatlas Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Band 11. München: Elsevier Spektrum Akademischer Verlag: 84–88.
Buckley, Ralf; Sander, Nikola; Ollenburg, Claudia; Warnken, Jan (2006):
Green Change. Inland Amenity Migration in Australia.
In: Moss, Laurence A.G. (Ed.): The Amenity Migrants. Seeking And Sustaining Mountains And Their Cultures. Wallingford/Cambridge: CAB International: 278–294.