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This is a sortable list showing all publications by researchers from the Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB).
Search results 151 to 153 from a total of 153 for search item " "
Ebeling, Marcus; Mühlichen, Michael; Talbäck, Mats; Rau, Roland; Goedel, Alexander; Klüsener, Sebastian (2024):
Disease incidence and not case fatality drives the rural disadvantage in myocardial-infarction-related mortality in Germany.
Preventive Medicine 179(107833): 1–8.
Reuter, Anna; Bärnighausen, Till; Kohler, Stefan (2024):
Global Ageing and Health.
In: Bloom, David E.; Sousa-Poza, Alfonso; Sunde, Uwe (Eds.): The Routledge Handbook of the Economics of Ageing. New York: Routledge: 657–670.
Beringer, Samira (2024):
Neue Entwicklungen bei Geburtenraten und ideale Kinderzahl in Deutschland.
Gynäkologische Endokrinologie.
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