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This is a sortable list showing all publications by researchers from the Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB).
Search results 111 to 120 from a total of 157 for search item " "
Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung (Ed.) (2024):
Bevölkerungsforschung Aktuell 2/2024.
Grigoriev, Pavel; Bonnet, Florian; Perdrix, Elsa (2024):
Method for redistributing ill-defined causes of death.
Population Studies: 1–11.
Grigoriev, Pavel; Sauerberg, Markus; Jasilionis, Domantas; van Raalte, Alyson; Klüsener, Sebastian (2024):
Sterblichkeitsentwicklung in Deutschland im internationalen Kontext.
Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung – Gesundheitsschutz 67(5): 493–503.
Spiess, C. Katharina (2024):
Fachkräftemangel: Alle Potenziale nachhaltig nutzen und entwickeln!
WSI Mitteilungen 77.
Ruckdeschel, Kerstin; Kuhnt, Anne-Kristin; Diabaté, Sabine (2024):
Zur Sozialstruktur von Fertilität und Familie in Deutschland.
In: Böhnke, Petra; Konietzka, Dirk (Eds.): Handbuch Sozialstrukturanalyse. Wiesbaden: Springer VS: 1–29.
Loichinger, Elke; Skora, Thomas; Sauerberg, Markus; Grigoriev, Pavel (2024):
Regionale Unterschiede und Trends in gesunder Lebenserwartung in Deutschland.
Bundesgesundheitsblatt 67(5): 546–554.
Huebener, Mathias; Waights, Sevrin; Spiess, C. Katharina (2024):
Well-being throughout the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany: Gendered effects of daycare and school closures.
BiB Working Paper 6/2024. Wiesbaden: Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung.
Décieux, Jean Philippe; Altmann, Tobias (2024):
The relationship between migration and the Big Five personality traits: Evidence from probability-based samples.
Population, Space and Place 30(3).
Huebener, Mathias; Jessen, Jonas; Kuehnle, Daniel; Oberfichtner, Michael (2024):
Parental leave, worker substitutability, and firms’ employment.
BiB Working Paper 5/2024. Wiesbaden: Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung.
Genoni, Andreas; Ruedin, Didier (2024):
When expectations backfire: Unmet migration expectations and changes in the destination attachment of recent immigrants to Switzerland.
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