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This is a sortable list showing all publications by researchers from the Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB).
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Braunheim, Lisa; Dragano, Nico; Khachatryan, Kristine; Brähler, Elmar; Beutel, Manfred (2023):
The effects of effort-reward imbalance on the job, overcommitment, and income on life satisfaction in Germany from a longitudinal perspective.
Social Science & Medicine 341: 116523.
Barwick-Gross, Christine; Börner, Stefanie; Drewski, Daniel; Milewski, Nadja (2023):
Forced migration to Germany: Bordering practices and lived experiences. Introduction to the special issue.
Culture, Practice & Europeanization, 8(2): 153–165.
Börner, Stefanie; Barwick-Gross, Christine; Drewski, Daniel; Milewski, Nadja (Eds.) (2023):
Special Issue: Forced migration to Germany: Bordering practices and lived experiences.
Culture, Practice & Europeanization, 8(2): 153–266.
Marinetti, Isabella; Jdanov, Dmitri; Grigoriev, Pavel; Klüsener, Sebastian; Janssen, Fanny (2023):
Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on life expectancy and premature mortality in the German federal states in 2020 and 2021.
PLOS ONE 18(12): e0295763.
Milewski, Nadja; Décieux, Jean Philippe; Ette, Andreas; Bujard, Martin (2023):
Gendered flight constellations and family-reunion intentions of female refugees from Ukraine: Evidence from a representative survey in Germany.
Culture, Practice & Europeanization 8(2): 250–263.
Swiazcny, Frank; Sulak, Harun; Klüsener, Sebastian; König, Gabriel (2023):
Räumliche Einkommensungleichheit in Bayern im Zeitraum von 1991 bis 2021.
Bayern in Zahlen 154(12): 18–52.
Ludwig-Walz, Helena; Siemens, Waldemar; Heinisch, Sarah; Dannheim, Indra; Loss, Julika; Bujard, Martin (2023):
How the COVID-19 pandemic and related school closures reduce physical activity among children and adolescents in the WHO European Region: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 20(149).
Bonnet, Florian; Grigoriev, Pavel; Sauerberg, Markus; Alliger, Ina; Mühlichen, Michael; Camarda, Carlo Giovanni (2023):
Beyond Borders: Spatial Disparities in the Mortality Burden of the Covid-19 Pandemic across 569 European Regions (2020–2021).
Bujard, Martin; Wagner, Gert G. (2023):
Die Zukunft sozialwissenschaftlicher Surveys und Panelinfrastrukturen.
WISTA 6/2023: 56–68.
Bücher, Silke; Philipp, Marie-Fleur; Schober, Pia S.; Spiess, C. Katharina (2023):
Day care availability and awareness of gendered economic risks: How they shape work and care norms.
Journal of European Social Policy (online first): 1–16.
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