Series on Population Studies
From 1975 to 2022, the “Series on Population Studies” of the BiB published monographs and collective volumes on current demographic topics.
The content focus was on fertility, family, migration, mobility, aging, social structure and demographic change. The series was aimed primarily at teachers and researchers in the fields of demography, sociology and political science. However, it also provided information on demographic change for academics interested in the field, the media or other areas.
One or two books were usually published each year, which went through a review process. They were published in German or English. Since 2014, the series was issued by Barbara Budrich Publishers. All volumes released through this publisher are available here free of charge as pdf files three years after publication.
Published by: Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB)
Editor: Dr. Jasmin Passet-Wittig
Latest Volumes
Search results 1 to 10 from a total of 57
Genoni, Andreas
This study investigates the relationship between the social status of migrants and to what extent they identify with their group of origin and the majority group in Germany.Extract (pdf)
more: Status and Ethnic Identity …
Panova, Ralina
The book dedicate the overarching question of the motives for the transition to the third child. The focus is on socio-cultural factors.
Extract (pdf)
more: Die Geburt des dritten Kindes …
Cihlar, Volker; Micheel, Frank; Konzelmann, Laura; Mergenthaler, Andreas; Schneider, Norbert F.
On the basis of an model of action, the book offers a differentiated view of the process of transitioning between working life and retirement. In this way, it may serve as orientation for the political, societal and, in particular, individual shaping of the third age.
Open Access (pdf) more: Grenzgänge zwischen Erwerbsarbeit und Ruhestand. Prozesse der Arbeitsmarktbeteiligung älterer Menschen …
Ette, Andreas
The current study enhances our understanding of the political struggles the European Union and its member states are facing in handling the “refugee crisis”. It goes beyond a simplifying generalisation of “more” or “less” Europe and provides a differentiated description of the evolving patterns of Europeanisation.
Open Access (pdf) more: Migration and Refugee Policies in Germany. New European Limits of Control? …
Schneider, Norbert F.; Mergenthaler, Andreas; Staudinger, Ursula M.; Sackreuther, Ines (Eds.)
The present volume presents current findings on the life plans, potentials and transitions of the 55 to 70 year-olds in Germany. In addition, the volume aims to provide policy recommendations and recommendations for action for companies or civil society organisations – and not least for the elderly themselves.
Open Access (pdf) more: Mittendrin? Lebenspläne und Potenziale älterer Menschen beim Übergang in den Ruhestand …