Federal Institute for Population Research


Latest news of the Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB)

Search results 81 to 90 from a total of 288

Press ReleaseMore and More Countries Show Deaths Surpluses

Even though the world population is still growing overall, there are more and more countries in which the number of deaths exceed the number of births within one year. more: More and More Countries Show Deaths Surpluses …

World map (refer to: More and More Countries Show Deaths Surpluses)

BiB’s Important “Population Studies” for Politics and Society

The Federal Institute for Population Research has a new Director. In an interview, the new Director C. Katharina Spieß talks about her move to BiB and provides an outlook on the future direction of the institute. more: BiB’s Important “Population Studies” for Politics and Society …

Prof. Dr. C. Katharina Spieß (refer to: BiB’s Important “Population Studies” for Politics and Society) | Source: BiB

Online EventBiB-Symposium „The Ageing of the Babyboomers: Current Issues of Work and Retirement Research in a European Perspective“

Among other things, the symposium will examine the characteristics and significance of the transition to retirement in Germany and Europe. The event will take place online on November 25, 2021. more: BiB-Symposium „The Ageing of the Babyboomers: Current Issues of Work and Retirement Research in a European Perspective“ …

A Change in the Institute's ManagementProf. Dr. C. Katharina Spieß is the New Director of the BiB

BiB has a new director: Prof. Dr. C. Katharina Spieß has succeeded Prof. Dr. Norbert F. Schneider, who has recently retired. more: Prof. Dr. C. Katharina Spieß is the New Director of the BiB …

Foto von Prof. Dr. C. Katharina Spieß, Direktorin des BiB (refer to: Prof. Dr. C. Katharina Spieß is the New Director of the BiB) | Source: Peter-Paul Weiler

Press ReleaseReconciliation of Family and Career Also Increasingly Important for Grandparents

Dr. Andreas Backhaus from the Federal Institute for Population Research, in collaboration with partners, has found in a Europe-wide study that grandchildren impact the labour force participation of grandparents. more: Reconciliation of Family and Career Also Increasingly Important for Grandparents …

Frau liest Kindern Buch vor. (refer to: Reconciliation of Family and Career Also Increasingly Important for Grandparents) | Source: © pixabay

Population EuropeNew Book on European Sociology of the Family

“The Research Handbook on the Sociology of the Family”, edited by Prof. Dr. Norbert F. Schneider and Prof. Dr. Michaela Kreyenfeld, provides an overview of the current state of European family sociology and processes of change in the family. more: New Book on European Sociology of the Family …

Cover „Research Handbook on the Sociology of the Family“ (refer to: New Book on European Sociology of the Family)

European Sociological Association 2021Current Findings from BiB at the ESA Conference

At the 15th ESA Conference from 31.08. to 03.09.2021, the Institute held, among other things, a series of events on the topic of "Sociology of Spatial Mobility". In addition, findings from various projects were presented. more: Current Findings from BiB at the ESA Conference …

Press ReleaseFewer Moves during the Pandemic: Young Adults the Most Affected

In 2020, around 1.03 million people moved to another Bundesland. This is 66,144 fewer moves than in the previous year and significantly below the long-term average, mainly due to the pandemic. more: Fewer Moves during the Pandemic: Young Adults the Most Affected …

Umzugskartons auf einer Wiese (refer to: Fewer Moves during the Pandemic: Young Adults the Most Affected) | Source: © the_burtons 2018 via Getty Images

Press ReleaseWeekend Work Often Increases Work-Family Conflict among Parents

In Germany, working at weekends is widespread: On basis of the Socio-Economic Panel, roughly 58 per cent of all people in employment between 18 and 64 years of age work at least occasionally at the weekend. more: Weekend Work Often Increases Work-Family Conflict among Parents …

The frequency of weekend work among working parents with children up to the age of 16 (2019) (refer to: Weekend Work Often Increases Work-Family Conflict among Parents) | Source: BiB

Bevölkerungsforschung Aktuell 4/2021Arrival on the Labour Market?

The labour market integration of Syrian refugees in Germany has developed positively in a relatively short period of time. An article in the new issue of Bevölkerungsforschung Aktuell shows how the situation has developed for refugees from Syria. more: Arrival on the Labour Market? …

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