According to calculations by the United Nations, the world population has reached the threshold of eight billion. This means that more people are living on earth than ever before. But the dynamics have changed. more: 8 Billion People - 8 Billion Opportunities …
On the occasion of its 50th anniversary, the Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB) will host a conference to discuss frontiers in policy relevant population research from July 3-5, 2023. The deadline for the submission of abstracts is November 25, 2022. more: Turning Gold: Conference on the Occasion of BiB’s 50th Anniversary …
In addition to covering a broad spectrum of spatial mobility research, the workshop will focus on current topics such as COVID-19 and the spatial mobility of refugees in host countries, as well as innovations in data and methods. Abstracts can be submitted until the 15 December 2022. more: Current Perspectives on Spatial Mobilities workshop …
Since February 2022, more than 950,000 people from Ukraine have been seeking protection in Germany. Together with three partner organisations (IAB, BAMF, SOEP), BiB is launching the first representative follow-up survey of these individuals. more: Refugees from Ukraine …
The question of how older people with different health, financial and social resources can succeed in contently aging is being investigated by the project at BiB. What is the new research project about – what are the goals and expectations? Interview with BiB researcher Dr. Volker Cihlar. more: "Social support promotes aging contently" …
Since reunification, the population in Germany has become older, more diverse and more individualised. The BiB offers previously unknown perspectives on demographic change of the last 30 years using newly developed population diagrams. more: Demographic change is more than ageing …
How has the demographic situation in Ukraine changed over time? How can the academic and political communities support researchers in Ukraine? These questions were addressed in an online workshop. more: Ukrainian Demography in Times of War …
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