To what extent can politicians influence demographic developments and what information do they need to do so? These questions were discussed by high-ranking international and national experts, including BiB Director Prof. Dr. C. Katharina Spieß. more: Why demographic research is essential …
The data release of the second wave of the FReDA long-term study on family life in Germany also enables longitudinal analyses. The most important information and figures at a glance. more: Data set of the second survey wave of FReDA published …
The BiB invites you to the lecture series on June 26 from 11:00 to 12:15. Prof. Aart C. Liefbroer presents his paper "The association between adolescent health, marriage and divorce among Dutch men born between 1944 and 1947". more: BiB Population Research Series …
In the last five years, the feeling of loneliness has increased in Germany. Today, one in three people between the ages of 18 and 53 feels lonely at least some of the time – including many younger people under 30, as new BiB analyses show. more: Loneliness: Especially younger people are feeling increasingly lonely …
The BiB invites you to the lecture series on May 15 from 11:00 to 12:15. Prof. Astrid Würtz Rasmussen presents her paper “The only child”. more: BiB Population Research Series …
Two researchers from the BiB received awards at the DGD's annual conference: Dr. Michael Mühlichen received the Best Paper Award 2024 and the DGD Young Talent Award went to Elias Hofmann. more: Prizes awarded to BiB scientists …
From a working society to an active society: BiB ageing researcher Dr. Andreas Mergenthaler explains in an interview why it is worth discussing a new definition of "work". more: "Adapting job biographies to demographic change" …
The BiB invites you to the lecture series on March 20, 2024 from 11:00 to 12:15. Prof. Daniele Vignoli presents his paper “Can Policy Reforms Enhance Fertility? An Ex-Ante Evaluation through Factorial Survey Experiments”. more: BiB Population Research Series …
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