Federal Institute for Population Research


Latest news of the Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB)

Search results 11 to 20 from a total of 286

The future of work"Adapting job biographies to demographic change"

From a working society to an active society: BiB ageing researcher Dr. Andreas Mergenthaler explains in an interview why it is worth discussing a new definition of "work". more: "Adapting job biographies to demographic change" …

Ältere Frau und älterer Mann bei der Arbeit im Supermarkt (refer to: "Adapting job biographies to demographic change") | Source: WavebreakMediaMicro / stock.adobe.com

InvitationBiB Population Research Series

The BiB invites you to the lecture series on March 20, 2024 from 11:00 to 12:15. Prof. Daniele Vignoli presents his paper “Can Policy Reforms Enhance Fertility? An Ex-Ante Evaluation through Factorial Survey Experiments”. more: BiB Population Research Series …

Erzieherin mit Kindern (refer to: BiB Population Research Series) | Source: © Krakenimages.com / Adobe Stock

BiB Fellow Gert G. Wagner passed away

The Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB) mourns the loss of Gert G. Wagner: With his death on January 28, 2024, the social sciences lose one of its most important scientists and the BiB one of its first BiB Fellows. more: BiB Fellow Gert G. Wagner passed away …

Foto Prof. Dr. Gerd G. Wagner (refer to: BiB Fellow Gert G. Wagner passed away) | Source: © Alexander von Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft (HIIG)

Parental Leave, ChildcareHow do people with a migration background utilise family policy measures?

In six empirical articles, a new special issue looks at the use of family policy measures such as parental leave or external childcare by people with and without a migration background in various European countries. more: How do people with a migration background utilise family policy measures? …

Kinder turnen in Turnhalle (refer to: How do people with a migration background utilise family policy measures?) | Source: © kristall / Adobe Stock

InvitationBiB Population Research Series

The BiB invites you to the lecture series on January 31, 2024 from 11:00 to 12:15. Prof. Raya Muttarak presents her paper “Population Dynamics Under Global Climate Change”. more: BiB Population Research Series …

Megacity im Grünen (refer to: BiB Population Research Series) | Source: © A. Emson / Adobe Stock

Press ReleaseGermany in the context of global migration flows: New interactive application offers surprising insights

A new BiB web tool provides insights into the trends of global migration flows and refugee movements between over 100 countries from 1990 to 2020 in just one interactive graphic. more: Germany in the context of global migration flows: New interactive application offers surprising insights …

Icon Globale Migrationsströme (2015-2020) (refer to: Germany in the context of global migration flows: New interactive application offers surprising insights)

Press ReleaseAfter 18 months in Germany: the living situation of Ukrainian refugees has improved significantly

Almost 3,000 refugees from Ukraine were surveyed for the third time about their living situation. For the first time, the new survey also provides data on children and young people who have fled with them. more: After 18 months in Germany: the living situation of Ukrainian refugees has improved significantly …

Ukrainische Kinder in der Schule (refer to: After 18 months in Germany: the living situation of Ukrainian refugees has improved significantly) | Source: © Iryna / Adobe Stock

Professional exchange with federal data laboratoriesCollecting, using and sharing reliable data

Up-to-date, reliable and accessible data contributes to the basis of socially relevant decision-making processes. The BiB also makes its data sets accessible to external parties and prepares them in graphics that are easy to understand. more: Collecting, using and sharing reliable data …

The Federal Chancellery's data laboratory visits the BiB (refer to: Collecting, using and sharing reliable data) | Source: © Sauerberg

Call for PapersResearch Stream „Sociology of Spatial Mobilities“

For the 16th conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA) in Porto, abstracts on the research stream “Sociology of Spatial Mobilities” can be submitted until January 15, 2024. more: Research Stream „Sociology of Spatial Mobilities“ …

Fahrradfahrer mit Strassenbahn im Verkehr (refer to: Research Stream „Sociology of Spatial Mobilities“) | Source: © Timelynx / Adobe Stock

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