Federal Institute for Population Research


Latest news of the Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB)

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Interview | 17.09.2024Less commuting time by working from home?

A new study investigates how working from home affects commuting times to the workplace. In this interview, Dr. Heiko Rüger, BiB scientist and head of the study, presents the key findings. more: Less commuting time by working from home? …

Frau bei der Arbeit im Homeoffice am PC mit Fahrrad (refer to: Less commuting time by working from home?) | Source: © pressmaster/stock.adobe.com

Invitation | 02.09.2024BiB Population Research Series

Why have birth rates fallen, and how will low fertility affect our shared future? The BiB invites you to the lecture series on September 25 from 11:00 to 12:15. Prof. Vegard Skirbekk presents his paper “Decline and Prosper”. more: BiB Population Research Series …

Mutter mit Baby (refer to: BiB Population Research Series) | Source: © tiagozr/stock.adobe.com

Press release | 31.07.2024Excess mortality during the corona pandemic: large regional differences in Europe

A new BiB-study allows a detailed spatial analysis of excess mortality over time for Europe for the first time. more: Excess mortality during the corona pandemic: large regional differences in Europe …

Krankenschwester hält älterem Patienten die Hand (refer to: Excess mortality during the corona pandemic: large regional differences in Europe) | Source: © Sandor Kacso / Adobe Stock

Press release | 30.07.2024Global South: How demographic development can open up economic potential

Using new UN figures, BiB is analysing the economic potential for countries in the Global South resulting from their demographic development. more: Global South: How demographic development can open up economic potential …

Bild von Figuren auf Weltkarte (refer to: Global South: How demographic development can open up economic potential) | Source: © alphaspirit/stock.adobe.com

Press release | 11.07.2024Despite falling birth rates, the world population continues to grow

The trend is clear: on average, women around the world are having one fewer child today than in 1990. Nevertheless, the global population will continue to increase in absolute terms. The new UN forecast sees a turning point in 2084. more: Despite falling birth rates, the world population continues to grow …

Weltkugel mit Knetmenschen (refer to: Despite falling birth rates, the world population continues to grow) | Source: © ChristArt/stock.adobe.com

Refugee women | 10.07.2024“Almost half of those seeking protection in Germany are female”

People seeking protection from Ukraine, Syria and Eritrea are interviewed at the BiB. In this interview, BiB migration researchers Dr. Lenore Sauer and Dr. Elisabeth K. Kraus explain the different life situations of refugee women in Germany. more: “Almost half of those seeking protection in Germany are female” …

Frauen unterschiedlicher Herkunft stehen auf Wiese (refer to: “Almost half of those seeking protection in Germany are female”) | Source: © Rawpixel.com/stock.adobe.com

Data publication | 05.07.2024First data set of the survey "Refugees from Ukraine in Germany" available

The data set of the first representative social science repeat survey of Ukrainian refugees in Germany to date includes data from over 11,000 Ukrainians aged between 18 and 70. more: First data set of the survey "Refugees from Ukraine in Germany" available …

Kinderhände mit ukrainischem Familienscherenschnitt (refer to: First data set of the survey "Refugees from Ukraine in Germany" available) | Source: © New Africa / Adobe Stock

Fertility trends in OECD countries | 27.06.2024Just fertility postponement or permanent fertility decline?

Experts discussed the causes of falling birth rates at the OECD webinar on 20 June 2024. BiB Director Prof. Dr. C. Katharina Spieß and BiB Research Director Prof. Dr. Martin Bujard were also present. more: Just fertility postponement or permanent fertility decline? …

Babyschuhe auf Babybett (refer to: Just fertility postponement or permanent fertility decline?) | Source: © luchschenF/stock.adobe.com

Press release | 20.06.2024Proportion of women seeking protection in Germany is increasing - taking their specific needs into account is crucial

The proportion of women among those fleeing to Germany has increased significantly in recent years. While around 36 per cent of those seeking protection in Germany were female in 2016, their share had risen to around 45 per cent by the end of 2023, according to the Central Register of Foreigners. more: Proportion of women seeking protection in Germany is increasing - taking their specific needs into account is crucial …

Frauen unterschiedlicher Herkunft stehen auf Wiese (refer to: Proportion of women seeking protection in Germany is increasing - taking their specific needs into account is crucial) | Source: © Rawpixel.com/stock.adobe.com

Data Release | 18.06.2024Publication of data from the German GGS-II

The Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) offers researchers a very broad, up-to-date database from around 20 countries and territories. The Family Demographic Panel FReDA, which is based at the BiB, collected the data for Germany. more: Publication of data from the German GGS-II …

Nullen und Einsen als Symbol für die Digitalisierung (refer to: Publication of data from the German GGS-II) | Source: © 3dkombinat / Adobe Stock

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