Federal Institute for Population Research

Bevölkerungsforschung Aktuell 3/2023 | 27.06.202350 years of Population Research at the BiB

The BiB turns 50! On this occasion, the new issue of Bevölkerungsforschung Aktuell looks at the development of the institute. BiB Director Prof Dr C. Katharina Spieß gives an outlook on future trends and focal points.

Photo BiB Team Source: © Peter-Paul Weiler

In the 50 years of its existence, demographic developments nationally and internationally have changed profoundly, as has the research of the BiB. This is illustrated by the issue of Bevölkerungsforschung Aktuell on the occasion of its 50th anniversary. In addition to greetings from the Federal Minister of the Interior and for Home Affairs, Nancy Faeser, and the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the BiB, Prof Dr Marcel Thum, an article in the issue highlights the development of research work in recent decades and describes the changes.

The BiB yesterday, today and tomorrow

Complementing this, the director Prof Dr C. Katharina Spieß, who has been in office since October 1, 2021, comments in an interview on 50 years of BiB, current research, and the visibility and future of the institute. A timeline provides facts of the population trends and the political development of the last 50 years and relates them to the BiB.

50 years of BiB in pictures and in a survey

The issue is finished with a two-page picture series that also illustrates the changes at the institute. In addition, there is a non-representative survey of experts on the demographic issues that will shape social discourse in Germany in the coming years.

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