Federal Institute for Population Research

Survey Data • 15.02.2017Data Set of “Internationally Mobile” Survey Published

A scientific use file of the data of the study “Internationally Mobile” is now available. The survey investigates the socio-structural characteristics of internationally mobile German citizens, their motivations for migration as well as the individual consequences of emigration and return migration decisions.

“Internationally Mobile” (German original title: International Mobil) was conducted by the Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB) in cooperation with the Expert Council of German Foundations on Integration and Migration’s Research Unit, and the Department of Empirical Social Structural Analysis at the University of Duisburg-Essen.

It contributes to the understanding of international mobility of German citizens by using an innovative methodological approach to get access to potential respondents. Mobility of both, German citizens who have emigrated from Germany (emigrants) as well as German citizens who have returned to Germany from abroad after a certain period of time (returnees) is being measured. In total, the analysis includes responses from almost 1,700 individuals, among them almost 800 emigrants and approximately 900 returnees. The scientific use files can be requested from GESIS under the study number ZA6767.

The accompanying data report* features a description of the conception and conduct of the survey of internationally mobile Germans. In this publication, research design, sampling procedure, survey instrument and mode of data collection are documented. Furthermore, analysis concerning data quality and feasibility of drawing a representative sample of the internationally mobile German population are presented.

* Andreas Ette, Lenore Sauer, Friedrich Scheller, Dawid Bekalarczyk, Marcel Erlinghagen, Marcus Engler, Jan Schneider, Caroline Schultz (2015): International Mobil. Dokumentation der Befragung von Auswanderern und Rückwanderern aus Deutschland. BiB Daten- und Methodenbericht 1/2015. Wiesbaden: Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung.

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