Federal Institute for Population Research


The Federal Institute for Population Research employs over 80 people, including around 50 scientists. The institute's interdisciplinary research team consists primarily of specialists in the fields of sociology, economics, political science, demography and geography.

Dr. Robert Naderi Function Senior Researcher

Field of research: Family and Fertility

Phone: +49 611 75 4507

Karelis Olivo Rumpf Function Junior Researcher

Field of research: Migration and Mobility

Phone: +49 611 75 2539

Dr. Katja Patzwaldt Function Manager

Field of research: Communication

Phone: +49 611 75 9448

Jutta Prior Function Assistant

Field of research: Communication

Phone: +49 611 75 2657

Stefanie Prokopp Function Manager

Field of research: Central Services

Phone: +49 611 75 3371

Dr. Anna Reuter Function Senior Researcher

Field of research: Ageing, Mortality and Population Dynamics

Phone: +49 611 75 4914

Kerstin Ruckdeschel Function Senior Researcher

Field of research: Family and Fertility

Phone: +49 611 75 2813

Dr. Heiko Rüger Function Senior Researcher

Field of research: Migration and Mobility

Phone: +49 611 75 4688

Dr. Lenore Sauer Function Senior Researcher

Field of research: Migration and Mobility

Phone: +49 611 75 4516

Dr. Manfred G. Scharein Function Senior Researcher

Field of research: Family and Fertility

Phone: +49 611 75 2794

Dr. Katrin Schiefer Function Manager

Field of research: Communication

Phone: +49 611 75 2785

Laetitia Schipping Function Junior Researcher

Field of research: Family and Fertility

Phone: +49 611 75 3586

Dr. Sophia Schmitz Function Senior Researcher

Field of research: Education and Human Potential

Phone: +49 611 75 3634

Leonie Schraub Function Manager

Field of research: Family and Fertility

Phone: +49 611 75 2271

Sybille Steinmetz Function Assistant

Field of research: Communication

Phone: +49 611 75 2299

Sophie Straub Function Junior Researcher

Field of research: Migration and Mobility

Phone: +49 611 75 2027

Harun Sulak Function Senior Researcher

Field of research: Ageing, Mortality and Population Dynamics

Phone: +49 611 75 2061

Dr. Frank Swiaczny Function Senior Researcher

Field of research: Ageing, Mortality and Population Dynamics

Phone: +49 611 75 4506

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