Federal Institute for Population Research


The Federal Institute for Population Research employs over 80 people, including around 50 scientists. The institute's interdisciplinary research team consists primarily of specialists in the fields of sociology, economics, political science, demography and geography.

Laura Brockschmidt Function Manager

Field of research: Communication

Phone: +49 611 75 4423

Ulrike Brunner Function Assistant

Field of research: Communication

Phone: +49 611 75 2175

Dr. Christian Fiedler Function Manager

Field of research: Communication

Phone: +49 611 75 4511

Léa Maria Fritz Function Student Assistant

Field of research: Communication

Bernhard Gückel Function Assistant

Field of research: Communication

Phone: +49 611 75 2347

Yvonne Halfar Function Manager

Field of research: Communication

Phone: +49 611 75 2809

Inola Josten Function Student Assistant

Field of research: Communication

Dr. Stephan Kühntopf Function Manager

Field of research: Communication

Phone: +49 611 75 2752

Dr. Katja Patzwaldt Function Manager

Field of research: Communication

Phone: +49 611 75 9448

Jutta Prior Function Assistant

Field of research: Communication

Phone: +49 611 75 2657

Dr. Katrin Schiefer Function Manager

Field of research: Communication

Phone: +49 611 75 2785

Sybille Steinmetz Function Assistant

Field of research: Communication

Phone: +49 611 75 2299

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