Federal Institute for Population Research

Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Frank Swiaczny


  • 1989–1995: Studies in Geography, History and Political Science, University of Mannheim, Germany (Diplom Degree)
  • 2021: Dr. rer. nat., Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
    Doctoral Thesis: Demographic Change and Spatial Planning in the Netherlands [Demographischer Wandel und räumliche Planung in den Niederlanden]

Professional Background

  • 1995–1999: Research Assistant at the University of Mannheim, Germany
  • 1999–2002: Scientific Assistant and Lecturer at the Department of Geography, University of Mannheim, Germany
  • Since 2002: (Senior) Researcher at the Federal Institute for Population Research, Wiesbaden, Germany
  • 2009–2016: Lecturer at the Institute of Medical Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Informatics, University Medical Centre of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany
  • 2010–2014: Lecturer at the Department of Geography, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
  • 2017–2020: Assistant Director at the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) Population Division, New York, USA

Memberships and Activities in Scientific Associations

  • Since 1997: Member of the Association of Geographers at German Universities (VGDH)
  • Since 1997: Member of the German Geographical Association (DGfG) research groups “Population Geography” and “Geographical Migration Research”
  • Since 1997: Member of the Royal Dutch Geographical Society (KNAG)
  • Since 2000: Member of the German Society for Demography (DGD)
  • 2000–2012: Head of the DGD research group “Migration–Integration–Minorities”
  • Since 2017: Member of the American Association of Geographers (AAG)
  • Since 2021: Lecturer at the Department of Geography at the University of Koblenz, Germany
  • Since 2022: Managing Director of the German Society for Demography (DGD)

Publishing Activities

  • 2003–2017: Managing Editor of the Journal “Comparative Population Studies”
  • Since 2008: Member of the Academic Advisory Council of “Bulletin of Geography – Socio-economic Series”

Consulting Experience

  • 2003: Member of the expert working group, Federal Agency for Nature Conservation “Demographic Change and Nature Conservation”
  • 2004: Technical Expert with the EU-project “Technical Assistance for Development of the National Statistical System, Bulgaria”
  • 2004–2007: Member of the NATO Commission on Challenges of Modern Society
  • 2005–2017: Advisor to the German Delegation to the United Nations Commission on Population and Development
  • 2007/2011/2017: Member of the Expert Group “Assumptions of the Spatial Population Projection” of the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development
  • 2013: UN Population Fund
  • Since 2010: Advisor to the German Society for International Cooperation

Scholarships, Grants and Awards

  • 1997: Grant by the Society of Friends of the University of Mannheim
