Federal Institute for Population Research

Selected Presentations of Dr. Pavel Grigoriev


Stroisch, Sophie; Grigoriev, Pavel; Mühlichen, Michael; Vogt, Tobias:
The Development of Life Expectancy and Avoidable Mortality in European Cross-Border Regions, 1992–2020
Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America (PAA), New Orleans LA, USA (14 April 2023)

Denecke, Esther; Grigoriev, Pavel; Rau, Roland:
Evaluation of Small-Area Estimation Methods for Mortality Schedules.
Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America (PAA), New Orleans LA, USA (14 April 2023)

Grigoriev, Pavel; Levchuk, Nataliia; Shevchuk, Pavlo; Poniakina, Svitlana; Klüsener, Sebastian (2023):
Changing Spatial Patterns of Cause-Specific Mortality in Ukraine [poster presentation].
Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America (PAA), New Orleans LA, USA (13 April 2023)

Mühlichen, Michael; Sauerberg, Markus; Grigoriev, Pavel:
Spatial Variation of Excess Mortality in 2020 and 2021 by Age, Sex, and Cause of Death: The Case of Germany.
Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America (PAA), New Orleans LA, USA (13 April 2023)

Sauerberg, Markus; Bonnet, Florian; Camarda, Carlo Giovanni; Grigoriev, Pavel:
Longevity Velocity: Differences in the Pace of Life Expectancy Gains across European Regions [poster presentation].
Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America (PAA), New Orleans LA, USA (13 April 2023)


Grigoriev, Pavel; Levchuk, Nataliia; Shevchuk, Pavlo; Poniakina, Svitlana:
Spatial Distribution of Cause-Specific Mortality in Ukraine: Preliminary Results.
REDIM Research Network Meeting, Wiesbaden, (12 September 2022)

Sauerberg, Markus; Klüsener, Sebastian; Grigoriev, Pavel:
Narrowing Sex Gap in Mortality in Seven European Countries: Regional Differences and Cause-Specific Contributions.
Annual Meeting of the British Society for Population Studies (BSPS), Winchester, (6 September 2022)

Hrzic, Rok; Grigoriev, Pavel:
Economic Europeanization and Regional Mortality Disparities in Central and Eastern Europe.
International Conference on Population Geographies (ICPG), (25 August 2022,virtual)

Grigoriev, Pavel; Klüsener, Sebastian; van Raalte, Alyson A:
Quantifying the Contribution of Smoking to Regional Mortality Disparities in Germany.
European Population Conference (EPC), Groningen, Netherlands, (1 July 2022)

Grigoriev, Pavel:
REDIM Project: Understanding Regional Cause-Specific Mortality Trends and Patterns in Europe.
6th Human Mortality Database Symposium – Satellite Meeting, Paris, France, (18 June 2022)


Grigoriev, Pavel; Bonnet, Florian; Mühlichen, Michael; Meslé, France:
Comparability of Sub-National Cause-Specific Mortality Data across National Populations: Is There a Reasonable Way to Redistribute Ill-Defined Causes? [Link]
International Population Conference (IPC), (10 December 2021, virtual)

Bonnet, Florian; Grigoriev, Pavel; Meslé, France; Mühlichen, Michael:
The End of the Regional Convergence in Mortality in the European Union? Evidence from France and Germany [Link]
International Population Conference (IPC), (9 December 2021, virtual)

Grigoriev, Pavel; Klüsener, Sebastian; van Raalte, Alyson A.:
Quantifying the Contribution of Smoking to Regional Mortality Disparities in Germany [Link]
International Population Conference (IPC), (8 December 2021, virtual)

Loichinger, Elke; Grigoriev, Pavel; Skora, Thomas:
Entwicklung regionaler Disparitäten gesunder Lebenserwartung in Deutschland.
DACH-21: 20. Deutsch-Österreichisch-Schweizerisches Demografietreffen, (28 October 2021, virtual)

Grigoriev, Pavel; Klüsener, Sebastian; van Raalte, Alyson:
Quantifying the Contribution of Smoking to Regional Mortality Disparities in Germany.
EAPS HMMWG Workshop on New Challenges – New Issues, Prague, Czechia (21.09.2021, virtual)


Grigoriev, Pavel:
Importance of Regional Data
International (online) Seminar (17.10.2020)

Jasilionis, Domantas; van Raalte, Alyson; Grigoriev, Pavel:
The underwhelming German life expectancy
