Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung

BiB.Working Paper

BiB.Working Paper machen Forschungsergebnisse und Erkenntnisse möglichst zeitnah der wissenschaftlichen Fachöffentlichkeit zugänglich. Sie enthalten Arbeiten aus dem Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung (BiB) und Beiträge, die in Kooperation mit anderen Forschungseinrichtungen sowie externen Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern entstanden sind.

Die Reihe unterliegt einem begrenzten institutsinternen Begutachtungsverfahren. Die Veröffentlichungen geben die Ansichten der Autoren und nicht notwendigerweise die Position des BiB wieder. Die BiB.Working Paper erscheinen in unregelmäßigen Abständen und werden ausschließlich elektronisch und in englischer oder deutscher Sprache publiziert.

Herausgeber: Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung (BiB)
Schriftleitung je nach Thema: Prof. Dr. Martin Bujard, Dr. Sebastian Klüsener, Prof. Dr. C. Katharina Spieß

Alle Ausgaben

Resultate 11 bis 20 von insgesamt 56

2/2024Infertility and seeking medical help to have a child vary across migrant origin groups in Germany

Milewski, Nadja; Passet-Wittig, Jasmin, Bujard, Martin

This study investigates the extent to which immigrants are faced with infertility and their utilization of reproductive health-care services in Germany. mehr: Infertility and seeking medical help to have a child vary across migrant origin groups in Germany …

Cover "Infertility and seeking medical help to have a child vary across migrant origin groups in Germany " (verweist auf: Infertility and seeking medical help to have a child vary across migrant origin groups in Germany)

1/2024How daycare quality shapes norms around daycare use and parental employment: Experimental evidence from Germany

Philipp, Marie-Fleur; Büchau, Silke; Schober, Pia S., Werner, Viktoria; Spiess, C. Katharina

This experimental study investigates how a hypothetical improvement in the quality of daycare facilities shapes normative judgements regarding daycare use and working hours norms for parents with young children in Germany. mehr: How daycare quality shapes norms around daycare use and parental employment: Experimental evidence from Germany …

Cover "How daycare quality shapes norms around daycare use and parental employment: Experimental evidence from Germany" (verweist auf: How daycare quality shapes norms around daycare use and parental employment: Experimental evidence from Germany)

7/2023Does women’s agency matter in the formation and realization of fertility desires? An empirical investigation in Egypt and Jordan

Friedrich, Carmen

This study investigates whether the agency of women in Egypt and Jordan influences their personal ideal number of children and their ability to have no more children than they desire. Moreover, a “couple’s perspective” is adopted by examining whether the relationship between women’s agency and unwanted births persists even when the husband desires more children than his wife. mehr: Does women’s agency matter in the formation and realization of fertility desires? An empirical investigation in Egypt and Jordan …

Cover "Does women’s agency matter in the formation and realization of fertility desires? An empirical investigation in Egypt and Jordan" (verweist auf: Does women’s agency matter in the formation and realization of fertility desires? An empirical investigation in Egypt and Jordan)

6/2023Building Health across Generations: Unraveling the Impact of Early Childcare on Maternal Health

Barschkett, Mara; Bosque-Mercader, Laia

This study investigates the impact of public early childcare on maternal shortand long-term health. Based on administrative health records covering 90% of the German population over a decade, we leverage the exogenous variation in childcare coverage rates across counties and time induced by a major German early childcare expansion. mehr: Building Health across Generations: Unraveling the Impact of Early Childcare on Maternal Health …

Cover "Building Health across generations - unraveling the impact of early childcare on maternal health" (verweist auf: Building Health across Generations: Unraveling the Impact of Early Childcare on Maternal Health)

5/2023Young Women Returning to School in Sub-Saharan Africa During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Backhaus, Andreas

This paper presents evidence on the return of young women to school in six sub-Saharan African countries during the pandemic. mehr: Young Women Returning to School in Sub-Saharan Africa During the COVID-19 Pandemic …

Cover "Young Women Returning to School in Sub-Saharan Africa During the COVID-19 Pandemic" (verweist auf: Young Women Returning to School in Sub-Saharan Africa During the COVID-19 Pandemic)

4/2023Stepfamily Instability in Germany

Heintz-Martin, Valerie; Brehm, Uta

Separations exert a detrimental impact on different areas of life in both adults and children. Having already experienced family instability, stepfamily members are at risk of experiencing even multiple family separations across the life course. To better understand stepfamily (in)stability in Europe, we study stability risks and facilitators between stepfamilies in Germany. mehr: Stepfamily Instability in Germany …

Cover "Stepfamily Instability in Germany" (verweist auf: Stepfamily Instability in Germany)

3/2023Consistent Egalitarianism or Heterogeneous Belief Patterns? Gender Ideologies of the Younger Generations in Contemporary Germany

Kleinschrot, Leonie

This paper examines the prevalence of gender ideology classes among younger generations in contemporary Germany and analyses whether chances of class membership differ by gender or region. mehr: Consistent Egalitarianism or Heterogeneous Belief Patterns? Gender Ideologies of the Younger Generations in Contemporary Germany …

Cover "Consistent Egalitarianism or Heterogeneous Belief Patterns? Gender Ideologies of the Younger Generations in Contemporary Germany" (verweist auf: Consistent Egalitarianism or Heterogeneous Belief Patterns? Gender Ideologies of the Younger Generations in Contemporary Germany)

2/2023Maternal life satisfaction and child development from toddlerhood to adolescence

Gupta, Nabanita Datta; Jessen, Jonas; Spiess, C. Katharina

In this paper we analyse the association between maternal well-being and child development at different ages. mehr: Maternal life satisfaction and child development from toddlerhood to adolescence …

Cover "Maternal life satisfaction and child development from toddlerhood to adolescence" (verweist auf: Maternal life satisfaction and child development from toddlerhood to adolescence)

1/2023Working from Home, COVID-19 and Job Satisfaction

Laß, Inga; Vera-Toscano, Esperanza; Wooden, Mark

This paper examines the impact of the growth in the incidence of working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic on workers’ job satisfaction. mehr: Working from Home, COVID-19 and Job Satisfaction …

Cover "Working from Home, COVID-19 and Job Satisfaction" (verweist auf: Working from Home, COVID-19 and Job Satisfaction)

8/2022Children and Dynamics of Life Satisfaction in Times of COVID-19

Hudde, Ansgar; Hank, Karsten; Jacob, Marita

We analyze data from the UK Household Longitudinal Study, including a pre-pandemic baseline and seven survey waves between May 2020 and September 2021. Fixed effects panel regression models are run over more than 11,000 individuals, distinguishing among women and men with young children (< 5 years), older children (5-15 years), or no children in the household. mehr: Children and Dynamics of Life Satisfaction in Times of COVID-19 …

Cover &#034;Children and Dynamics of Life Satisfaction in Times of COVID-19&#034; (verweist auf: Children and Dynamics of Life Satisfaction in Times of COVID-19)

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