Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung

BiB.Data and Technical Reports

Die Reihe enthält Datensatzbeschreibungen und Methodenberichte zu den durch das Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung (BiB) durchgeführten sozialwissenschaftlichen Bevölkerungsumfragen.

Die Berichte richten sich insbesondere an externe Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler, die an den Daten des BiB sowie an Sekundäranalysen dieser Daten interessiert sind. Die Data and Technical Reports enthalten detaillierte Beschreibungen der Datensätze und dokumentieren die methodischen Aspekte der Datenerhebung. Sie erscheinen in unregelmäßigen Abständen und werden ausschließlich elektronisch und in englischer oder deutscher Sprache publiziert.

Bis zum Jahr 2021 erschien die Reihe unter dem deutschsprachigen Titel „BiB Daten- und Methodenberichte“.

Herausgeber: Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung (BiB)
Schriftleitung: Dr. Andreas Ette

Alle Ausgaben

Resultate 1 bis 10 von insgesamt 21

Documentation of The German Generations and Gender Survey, Round II – Wave 1

The Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) is a European panel study on family demography, involving more than 20 countries across Europe and beyond. It provides data for cross-national and longitudinal research on issues related to parenthood (generations) and couple life (gender). mehr: Documentation of The German Generations and Gender Survey, Round II – Wave 1 …

Cover "Documentation of The German Generations and Gender Survey, Round II – Wave 1" (verweist auf: Documentation of The German Generations and Gender Survey, Round II – Wave 1)

German Emigration and Remigration Panel Study (GERPS): Documentation of the Third Wave

GERPS is based on an origin-based multistage probability sample using the German population registers as a sampling frame. The third wave yields a net sample of roughly 5,800 persons who recently moved abroad from Germany and persons who returned from Germany after having lived abroad. mehr: German Emigration and Remigration Panel Study (GERPS): Documentation of the Third Wave …

Titelbild "German Emigration and Remigration Panel Study (GERPS): Documentation of the Third Wave" (verweist auf: German Emigration and Remigration Panel Study (GERPS): Documentation of the Third Wave)

Forced Migration and Transnational Family Arrangements – Eritrean and Syrian Refugees in Germany (TransFAR): Methodology Report

The TransFAR project is based on a quantitative survey that was carried out in summer 2020, targeting individuals with Eritrean or Syrian citizen-ship aged 18–45 years at arrival, who migrated to Germany between June 2013 and June 2019. This documentation presents the aim, scope, design, and realisation of the survey. mehr: Forced Migration and Transnational Family Arrangements – Eritrean and Syrian Refugees in Germany (TransFAR): Methodology Report …

Cover „Forced Migration and Transnational Family Arrangements – Eritrean and Syrian Refugees in Germany (TransFAR): Methodology Report“ (verweist auf: Forced Migration and Transnational Family Arrangements – Eritrean and Syrian Refugees in Germany (TransFAR): Methodology Report)

German Emigration and Remigration Panel Study (GERPS): Documentation of the Second Wave

GERPS is based on an origin-based multistage probability sample using the German population registers as a sampling frame. The second wave yields a net sample of roughly 7,000 persons who recently moved abroad from Germany and persons who returned from Germany after having lived abroad. mehr: German Emigration and Remigration Panel Study (GERPS): Documentation of the Second Wave …

Titelbild "German Emigration and Remigration Panel Study (GERPS): Documentation of the Second Wave" (verweist auf: German Emigration and Remigration Panel Study (GERPS): Documentation of the Second Wave)

German Emigration and Remigration Panel Study (GERPS): Methodology and Data Manual of the Baseline Survey (Wave 1)

GERPS is based on an origin-based multistage probability sample using the German population registers as a sampling frame. The realised net sample includes more than 11,000 persons who recently moved abroad from Germany and persons returning to Germany after having lived abroad. mehr: German Emigration and Remigration Panel Study (GERPS): Methodology and Data Manual of the Baseline Survey (Wave 1) …

Titelbild "German Emigration and Remigration Panel Study (GERPS): Methodology and Data Manual of the Baseline Survey (Wave 1)" (verweist auf: German Emigration and Remigration Panel Study (GERPS): Methodology and Data Manual of the Baseline Survey (Wave 1))

Family in Pictures (FiB 2015): The Study’s Methodology Report

Zu der BiB-Studie „Familie in Bildern“ ist der Daten- und Methodenbericht erschienen. Er beschreibt die innerhalb der Studie selbst entwickelte Methode, die Familienleitbilder der Deutschen anhand von Zeichnungen zu erfassen. mehr: Family in Pictures (FiB 2015): The Study’s Methodology Report …

Titelbild "Family in Pictures (FiB 2015) - The Study’s Methodology Report" (verweist auf: Family in Pictures (FiB 2015): The Study’s Methodology Report)

Familie in Bildern (FiB 2015) Methodenbericht zur Studie

Zu der BiB-Studie „Familie in Bildern“ ist der Daten- und Methodenbericht erschienen. Er beschreibt die innerhalb der Studie selbst entwickelte Methode, die Familienleitbilder der Deutschen anhand von Zeichnungen zu erfassen. mehr: Familie in Bildern (FiB 2015) Methodenbericht zur Studie …

Titelbild "Familie in Bildern (FiB 2015) - Methodenbericht zur Studie" (verweist auf: Familie in Bildern (FiB 2015) Methodenbericht zur Studie)

TOP – Transitions and Old Age Potential: Data and Methodology Report for the Second Wave of the Study

The second wave of TOP focuses on the transitions to retirement, the realization of activity intentions, particularly on the labor market, as part of a multi-stage model of action as well as on the changes in the potentials of older adults over the course of time. mehr: TOP – Transitions and Old Age Potential: Data and Methodology Report for the Second Wave of the Study …

Cover "TOP – Transitions and Old Age Potential: Data and Methodology Report for the Second Wave of the Study" (verweist auf: TOP – Transitions and Old Age Potential: Data and Methodology Report for the Second Wave of the Study)

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