Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung

Ausgewählte Vorträge von Almut Schumann


Schumann, Almut:
Individual and dyadic selection processes in a multi-actor survey: Understanding nonresponse of secondary respondents.
European Population Conference 2024, Edinburgh, Schottland (13.06.2024)


Schumann, Almut; Schmiedeberg, Claudia:
Who provides consent to data transfer due to an institutional change in a self-administered family panel?
BiB Turning Gold Conference, Wiesbaden (05.07.2023)

Schumann, Almut; Schmiedeberg, Claudia:
Is consent to further panel participation selective? The case of a self-administered long running family panel survey announcing institutional change
European Survey Research Association Conference (ESRA 2023), University of Milan-Bicocca, Milan, Italy (20.07.2023)


Schumann, Almut; Lück, Detlev:
Better Ask Online When it Concerns Intimate Relationships? Mode Differences in the Assessment of Relationship Quality.
7th pairfam Interdisciplinary International Conference, München (13.05.2022)


Emery, Tom; Lugtig, Peter; Toepoel, Vera; Cabaço, Susana; Bujard, Martin; Schumann, Almut; Lück, Detlev; Naderi, Robert:
Can We Successfully Use a Push-To-Web Survey in a Cross-National Survey? Results from Three Large Cross-National Experiments.
International Workshop on Comparative Survey Design and Implementation (CSDI) (08.04.2021, virtuell)

Bujard, Martin; Lück, Detlev; Schumann, Almut; Naderi, Robert; Emery, Tom; Cabaço, Susana; Lugtig, Peter; Toepoel, Vera:
How Accurately Will the New GGS Measure Demographic Key Indicators? Findings from a Three-Country Experiment on Alternative Survey Designs.
International Workshop on Comparative Survey Design and Implementation (CSDI) (08.04.2021, virtuell)

Naderi, Robert; Schumann, Almut; Lück, Detlev; Bujard, Martin; Schneider, Norbert F.:
Which Incentive Works Best? Findings from a Push-to-Web Experiment in the GGS Context in Germany.
International Workshop on Comparative Survey Design and Implementation (CSDI) (08.04.2021, virtuell)


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