Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung

Ausgewählte Vorträge von Dr. Nadja Milewski


Milewski, Nadja:
Attitudes towards Sexual Liberalization in the Turkish Second Generation in Europe.
16th ESA conference, Porto (28.08.2024)

Sauer, Lenore; Milewski, Nadja; Genoni, Andreas:
None, either one or both? Belonging to destination and origin countries among Muslim refugees from Syria and Eritrea.
16th ESA conference, Porto (28.08.2024)

Beringer, Samira; Milewski, Nadja:
Fertility intentions after pregnancy loss: how does a crisis event impact women’s subsequent life course?
European Population Conference 2024, Edinburgh, Schottland (14.06.2024)

Milewski, Nadja; Lück, Detlev:
Who answers “non-binary”? First insights into the responses to the new answer category on gender identity in German panel survey data.
EAPS – European Population Conference, Edinburgh, Schottland (13.06.2024)


Kraus, Elisabeth K.; Milewski, Nadja:
Interrelation of forced migration, fertility and family dynamics – on the role of gender and country of origin.
Conference “Fertility and Family Dynamics in Migrant and Minority Groups: Current Research and New Approaches in Times of Crises”, Wiesbaden (13.10.2023)

Lück, Detlev; Milewski, Nadja:
Empirical Fact or Measurement Error? How to Interpret the Category „Divers(e)” and Respondents Deviating in their Answer Regarding their Gender from the Population Register Information?
Conference European Survey Research Association (ESRA), Mailand, Italien (19.07.2023)

Milewski, Nadja; Kraus, Elisabeth K.:
What Role Does Emigration Play in Changing Nuptiality Patterns? Exploring Polygamous Marriages among Senegalese Migrants to Europe and Stayers at Origin.
Interim Meeting Research Network “Sociology of Families and Intimate Lives” (RN13), European Sociological Association, Madrid, Spanien (01.06.2023)

Passet-Wittig, Jasmin; Milewski, Nadja; Lazzari, Ester:
Perceived Subfecundity Among Racial and Ethnic Minority Groups: Comparing Immigrants to Indigenous and Nonindigenous Australians.
PAA 2023 Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, USA (14.04.2023)

Milewski, Nadja, Ette, Andreas, Décieux, Jean; Bujard, Martin; Sauer, Lenore:
Recent Ukrainian refugees in Germany: Regional origin, gendered flight constellations, and intentions for family reunion. Comparing Recent and Older Refugee Migration in and to Europe – Sociological Perspectives.
Joint conference of the Sections “Sociology of Europe” and “Migration and Ethnic Minorities” of the German Sociological Association (DGS), Otto Friedrich University Bamberg (03.032023)


Milewski, Nadja; Passet-Wittig, Jasmin; Bujard, Martin:
Higher Perceived Infertility and Less Help Seeking Behavior among Immigrants in Germany.
European Population Conference (EPC), Groningen, Niederlande (02.07.2022)

Krapf, Sandra; Milewski, Nadja; Bujard, Martin:
Stratified Adaptation? Education and Fertility Patterns of the Descendants of Immigrants in Germany.
European Population Conference (EPC), Groningen, Niederlande (02.07.2022)

Kraus, Elisabeth K.; Milewski, Nadja:
What Role Does Emigration Play in Changing Nuptiality Patterns? Exploring Polygamy among Senegalese Migrants to Europe and Stayers at Origin.
European Population Conference (EPC), Groningen, Niederlande (30.06.2022)

Milewski, Nadja; Passet-Wittig, Jasmin; Bujard, Martin:
Higher Perceived Infertility and Less Help-Seeking Behavior Among Immigrants: Evidence From German Panel Data.
PAA 2022 Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, USA (08.04.2022)

Krapf, Sandra; Milewski, Nadja; Bujard, Martin:
Stratified Adaptation? Education and Fertility Patterns of the Descendants of Immigrants in Germany.
MigrantLifeSymposium, University of St. Andrews, Scotland (14.03.2022)


Kraus, Elisabeth K.; Milewski, Nadja:
Families crossing national borders and normative boundaries: Migration processes of polygamous families from Senegal to Europe explored
Council for European Studies International Conference, Reykjavik, Island (24.06.2021, virtuell)

Brehm, Uta; Milewski, Nadja
A second child or labour-market return: Immigrant women in different parental-leave policy periods in Germany. Use and consequences of family policies among migrant and ethnic minorities in Europe.
EAPS Working Group Migrant and minority fertility (13.12.2021, virtuell)


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