Federal Institute for Population Research

Selected Presentations of Dr. Andreas Genoni


Genoni, Andreas; Wanner, Philippe; Ruedin, Didier:
Should I stay or should I go? Unmet migration expectations and out-migration of highly educated recent immigrants.
ECSR annual conference, Barcelona (13.09.2024)

Genoni, Andreas; Ruedin, Didier:
Between optimism and expectations: Changes in the destination attachment of less- and more-educated recent immigrants in Switzerland.
Kongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (SGS), Muttenz (10.09.2024)

Stawarz, Nico; Genoni, Andreas; Hendriks, Martijn:
The return of the failed? A panel study on subjective well-being of German return migrants.
16th ESA conference, Porto (28.08.2024)

Sauer, Lenore; Milewski, Nadja; Genoni, Andreas:
None, either one or both? Belonging to destination and origin countries among Muslim refugees from Syria and Eritrea.
16th ESA conference, Porto (28.08.2024)


Genoni, Andreas; Ruedin, Didier:
High hopes, high disappointment? How unmet migration expectations shape perceived discrimination and destination attachment of immigrants
Knowledge Societies - 4th Conference of the Academy of Sociology (AS) (29.08.2023)

Genoni, Andreas; Ruedin, Didier:
Between immigrant optimism and realism: How unmet migration expectations and discrimination shape immigrants’ destination attachment.
20th IMISCOE Annual Conference, University of Warsaw (03.07.-06.07.2023)

Genoni, Andreas; Stawarz, Nico; Rüger, Heiko; Ette, Andreas:
Shifts in subjective well-being in the course of international migration. A longitudinal study using German panel data.
Turning Gold: Conference on the occasion of BiB's 50th anniversary, Wiesbaden (03.07.-05.07.2023)

Genoni, Andreas; Ruedin, Didier:
High hopes, high disappointment? How unmet migration expectations and perceived discrimination shape the destination attachment of immigrants.
12th International Conference of Panel Data Users, University of Lausanne, Switzerland (15.06.2023)


Genoni, Andreas; Ruedin, Didier:
Gambling or playing safe? How unmet migration expectations and discrimination shape immigrants’ destination attachment.
Gastvortrag am Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies (SFM), Universität Neuchâtel (14.12.2022)

Genoni, Andreas:
Cultural differences and how they affect immigrants' lives.
Gastvortrag im Worldview Lab, Duke University, North Carolina, USA (17.08.2022)

Genoni, Andreas; Décieux, Jean Philippe; Murdock Elke:
Is it all about the costs? Cultural distance and adjustment of recent immigrants.
117th annual conference of the American Sociological Association (ASA), Los Angeles, USA (07.08.2022)

Stawarz, Nico; Genoni, Andreas; Ette, Andreas; Rüger, Heiko:
Subjective well-being trajectories of international migrants. A longitudinal study using German panel data.
European Population Conference, Universität Groningen, Niederlande (30.06.2022)


Genoni, Andreas:
Internationale Migration. Wer kommt nach Deutschland und wer geht?
Demografischer Wandel: Aktuelle Entwicklungen und gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (29.11.2021)

Décieux, Jean Philippe; Genoni, Andreas; Ette, Andreas; Erlinghagen, Marcel:
Setting up Probability-Based Online Panels of Migrants with a Push-to-Web Approach: Aim, scope and design of the German Emigration and Remigration Panel Study (GERPS).
“Crossing borders, connecting cultures”, 18th IMISCOE Annual Conference, Universität Luxemburg (07.07.-09.07.2021, virtuell)

Décieux, Jean Philippe; Genoni, Andreas:
Culturally close and yet so far? The multidimensionality of cultural distance and its ambivalent role for migrants’ destination country attachment.
“Crossing borders, connecting cultures”, 18th IMISCOE Annual Conference, Universität Luxemburg (07.07.-09.07.2021, virtuell)

Genoni, Andreas:
Do we need to be someone to belong somewhere? Toward a better understanding of how status is linked to first- and second-generation migrants' ethnic identity.
Disputation, Universität Hamburg (07.07.2021, virtuell)

Genoni, Andreas; Décieux, Jean Philippe:
Culturally close and yet so far? A multilevel analysis on the role of cultural distance for migrants' host country attachment.
Spring session of the Young Academics Network of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Integration and Migration Research (InZentIM), Universität Duisburg-Essen (18.03.2021)


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